Ghana: Atebubu - Amantin MCE Supports Women in Poultry and Breed Production

7 September 2022

The Municipal Chief Executive for Atebubu-Amantin, Mr Edward Owusu, has presented 14 weeks old chicks, feed, a variety of drugs and one battery cage to 40 women in the municipality.

The donation is in line with a poultry production and breed improvement intervention under the Savanna Investment Programme in the municipality.

He asked Agriculture officials to support and monitor the progress of each farmer to ensure that the objectives of the initiative are achieved. He urged beneficiaries to take advantage of the support to improve their situation and that of their families.

The Municipal Director of Agriculture, Mr Stephen Aidoo, said the initiative sought to support the government's agriculture flagship programme 'rearing for food and jobs,' enhancing the competitiveness of the country's poultry industry, improving the breeding of small ruminants, contributing to the improved food and nutrition status of Ghanaians as well as improving the living conditions of poor female livestock farmers.

He added that the beneficiaries have undergone training in animal production, animal health, feed preparation and storage as well as bio-security.

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