Liberia: New ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia Urges Liberian Youth to Become Generational Change-Makers

Monrovia — The ECOWAS Countries Representative to Liberia, Ambassador Josephine Nkrumah at the Diplomatic Development Initiative-(DipDev) Training and Lecture Series urged young Liberians to be change-makers in their country.

The Diplomatic Development Initiative under its signature program "Ali Sylla Lecture Series on Diplomacy and Development for two days is hosting a lecture series to train over 200 young Liberians about diplomacy protocol and etiquette.

The ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia speaking Thursday when she serves as a lecturer at the opening of the Diplomatic Development Initiative-(DipDev) Training and Lecture Series held at Smart Liberia in Jallah Town calls on young Liberians to be good citizens.

Presenting on etiquette, protocol, and diplomacy, Madam Nkrumah stressed that the youth of Liberia need to acquire knowledge something she says will change their society for good.

Madam Nkrumah added: "Over the next two days, I urge all of you to use your time to build on the knowledge acquired and grow into ambassadors of your country and institution for generational transformation."

The ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia cautions Liberian youths to set a standard for themselves. This, she says, will enable Liberia to experience rapid growth and development.

"Let me inspire you to set the new bar in diplomacy for Liberia and beyond that, may the bar you set catapult Liberia into accelerated growth," Madam Nkrumah said.

The Diplomatic Development Initiative for two days will train over 200 young people on etiquette, protocol, and diplomacy

The intensive training program aims at enabling participants to be able to deal with very important persons (VIPs). That is, to accompany them and deal with them with a high standard of etiquette and protocol.

Also speaking to FrontPage Africa, the Head of Mission, Embassy of Liberia accredited to the State of Qatar Ali Sylla said the objective of the training is to provide participants with knowledge and information on ways to deal with very important persons (VIPs).

He furthers that the lecture series will introduce trainees to the principles of protocol, and etiquette, including diplomacy.

"The training will provide trainees with the skills and the ability to apply etiquette and protocol skills in major events," Ambassador Sylla said.

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