Liberia: AFL Widows Apologize to Weah, Finda Bundo

8 September 2022

The leadership of widows of former soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia has apologized to President George Weah for staging a wild cat protest at Star Base on Bushrod Island outside Monrovia, demanding benefits for their dead husbands and relatives in active service.

Some of them even went further by accusing President Weah's Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Finda Bundo of being behind the government's alleged failure to settle them.

In a news conference held in Monrovia, the leadership of the AFL widows apologized to both President George Weah and Ambassador Finda Bundo for the embarrassment they caused as a result of their protest.

Vice Chairperson for Operations for the widows, Madam Oretha Tweh, said they have resolved all differences and are now speaking with one voice.

According to her, they have agreed to never take the streets again to demand the government address their concerns.

Also speaking, Vice Chairperson for Administration, Musu Karmue, who described Ambassador Bundo as their daughter, appealed to her to put the past behind and open a new page in their advocacy.

She asked President Weah to forgive them for the manner in which they have championed widows' cause in recent days, attributing their action to alleged pressure from their colleagues.

In remarks, Chairperson of the AFL widows, Mary Allison, appealed to the President to have mercy on his women.

Madam Allison assured that they will never take to the street in demand of benefits but rather, seek advice from Ambassador Finda Bundo on the way forward in their advocacy.

She thanked the Director General of the National Bureau of Veteran Affairs, Edwin Goodridge, for mediating peace among the leadership of the AFL widows.

Meanwhile, the Assistant Director General for Women and Children at the bureau, Ophelia Hinneh said hence, the bureau will work with the relevant authorities in seeking widows' welfare.

The apology from the AFL widows followed a mediation among the divided leaderships by the management team at the National Bureau for Veteran Affairs.

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