Liberia: Legislature Wants LISGIS Investigated

8 September 2022

The House of Representatives committee on the 2022 National Population and Housing Census wants the current corruption saga at the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-information Service (LISGIS) urgently addressed so that it cannot have a spill-over effect on the integrity of the entire country.

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission indictment four key officials of LISGIS, including director general Professor for corruption after several withdrawals from the census account.

The committee recommends that the House plenary should call on the Chairman of the Board of LISGIS, Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah, to promptly address current leadership crisis at the Institute since such could have deleterious impact on the smooth running of the census activities.

The committee made the call at plenary on Tuesday, 6 September after the House of Representatives concurred with the Liberian Senate for the Population and Housing Census to be conducted in October.

The House of Representatives had earlier received a resolution from the Liberian Senate, setting October 24 to November 7, 2022, as the new date for the census.

The resolution was read and forwarded to the committee on Good Governance to report to full plenary.

According to the body, a meeting was held with the LISGIS and development partners represented by UNFPA Resident Representative to Liberia and her team.

It reports that during the meeting, it was agreed that given the significance of the census to national development, coupled with assurance from partners to work with the Liberian government to ensure that the census is held before December 2022, it is good that the House of Representatives concurs with the Liberian Senate to have the census before elections in 2023.

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