Ghana: GHS to Ensure Children Live a Polio-Free Life

1 September 2022

Health agencies in Ghana are working to ensure that every Ghanaian child can live a polio-free life.

A press release issued by the Greater Accra Regional Health Directorate stated that polio is a viral disease transmitted mainly from person to person, primarily through a faecal-oral route. While there is no cure for polio, the disease can be prevented through vaccination.

It said Ghana has recently witnessed polio outbreaks due to low vaccination coverage of children over long periods coupled with poor sanitation.

To address this growing challenge of polio in Ghana, the release said there would be two rounds of polio campaigns in the Greater Accra Region starting from 1st to 4th September 2022. The second round of polio vaccination will also take place from 6th to 9th October 2022.

The main objective of this vaccination campaign is to stop the transmission of polio and to build the immunity of children below the age of five years.

The press release solicited the support of stakeholders to inform the general public to participate in the vaccination of all eligible children.

The type of Polio vaccine which will be used for this campaign is the nopv2 (Novel Oral Polio Virus Vaccine).

It also stated that the vaccine is effective, safe and free. Also, vaccination teams will visit all houses to vaccinate children under five years using polio drops in the mouth.

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