Ghana: Kenyasi No. 1 Community Mining Scheme Launched

1 September 2022

Residents of Kenyasi No.1 and surrounding communities in Asutifi North of the Ahafo Region have become the latest beneficiaries of the government's sustainable and responsible mining initiative, following the launch of a Community Mining Scheme.

The Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources responsible for mining, Mr George Mireku Duker, who inaugurated the scheme, outlined the safety protocols that mining operators must follow and warned that any action contrary to the relevant regulations and code of practice would incur the wrath of the Minerals Commission.

In line with the government's goal of ensuring responsible mining practices throughout the country, the Deputy Minister presented the community with a mercury-free machine to assist them in their activities.

He stated that the concession would create 8000 direct jobs and 2000 indirect jobs, charging the workers to work diligently to ensure that the government's goal of raising champions in the mining industry was achieved.

"We are giving you a mercury-free machine to facilitate your work. With this machine, you don't have to use any chemical to extract the gold, apart from water. The machine will aid you to recover over 90% of gold from the ore. In line with the requirement, the site is also equipped with a first aid centre to provide immediate care in time of need, he stated.

"The community must benefit from the mining operations by way of Cooperate Social Responsibility. We, therefore, urge you to channel some of the revenue from the operations to undertake developmental projects. I want to emphasize that this location is the area granted as a Community Mining concession, no one should mine beyond this point," he stressed.

He asserted that while the government had put in place a variety of measures to address the galamsey threat, they would not be effective without the help of the local government and the general public.

The Member of Parliament for Asutifi North Constituency, Patrick Banor, commended the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources for its devotion and dedication to the fight against illegal mining.

He condemned the revival of galamsey activities in the region and cautioned the residents of the terrible consequences it could have on the community.

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