Liberia: OPEC Fund Financing Package to Improve Vital Fishery Industry in Liberia

The OPEC Fund for International Development has approved a US$20 million loan and a US$240,000 complementary technical assistance grant to the Republic of Liberia to co-finance the Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project together with the World Bank.

The project will improve the management of fisheries, making them both more efficient and sustainable. This will enhance the living conditions of beneficiary communities, creating better incomes and new opportunities for over 55,000 people, including women, children and youth. Fisheries are one of the main sources of income in Liberia and generate around 10 percent of the agricultural sector's production and three percent of the country's GDP.

The Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project will cover nearly 90 percent of Liberia's coastline in the six counties Montserrado, Margibi, Maryland, Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Grand Kru. It is designed to improve the ecosystem of fisheries, promote sustainability, increase the volume of fish landings and create more than 2,000 jobs. The fisheries project also will help to implement climate-smart technologies and climate-resilient business improvements and infrastructure.

OPEC Fund Director-General Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa said:

The OPEC Fund's technical assistance grant financing will specifically support 6,600 women through financing and training. Fisheries are a significant source of employment for women and other vulnerable groups in Liberia. Women entrepreneurs in fisheries, who will benefit from the program will receive training in post-harvest value systems, business development and financial management to sustain and further grow their businesses.

The project includes the design and implementation of improved management systems for coastal fisheries and associated fleets, including large artisanal fleets at Kru and Fante, along with a smaller number of industrial and semi-industrial fleet operations.

The project will also improve the fishing harbor infrastructure at Mesurado Pier, help construct industrial and artisanal fleet facilities such as fish landing sites, fish value chain facilities such as market halls, and storage and processing facilities as well as access roads and services.

About the OPEC Fund

The OPEC Fund for International Development (the OPEC Fund) is the only globally mandated development institution that provides financing from member countries to non-member countries exclusively. The organization works in cooperation with developing country partners and the international development community to stimulate economic growth and social progress in low- and middle-income countries around the world. The OPEC Fund was established by the member countries of OPEC in 1976 with a distinct purpose: to drive development, strengthen communities and empower people. Our work is people-centered, focusing on financing projects that meet essential needs, such as food, energy, infrastructure, employment (particularly relating to MSMEs), clean water and sanitation, healthcare and education. To date, the OPEC Fund has committed more than US$22 billion to development projects in over 125 countries with an estimated total project cost of US$187 billion. The OPEC Fund is rated AA+/Outlook Stable by Fitch and AA, Positive Outlook by S&P in 2021. Our vision is a world where sustainable development is a reality for all.

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