Kenyatta Asks KDF to Support Incoming Administration As He Bids Farewell

Outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta.
9 September 2022

Nairobi — Outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta has asked the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) to support the incoming administration just like they supported him as he bid the military farewell.

President Kenyatta praised the KDF for their dedication and service to the country, and urged them to continue with the good work of protecting the nation's territory.

He was speaking at Ulinzi Sports Complex at the Langata Barracks in Nairobi.

"I ask that you remain steadfast and support the incoming administration just like you have supported my administration and that of my predecessor. I will miss you but we are still together," President Kenyatta said.

He also took the opportunity to thank Kenyans for according him the opportunity and support during his ten-year reign.

"It has been a journey that we have walked together as Kenyans. I wish to thank all Kenyans for their support which made significant contributions towards the prosperity of our country," he stated.

During the farewell Kenyatta also asked KDF soldiers to stand and observe a moment of silence in honour of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed on Thursday aged 96.

As a way of bidding farewell to their Commander In Chief, KDF soldiers accorded President Kenyatta his last hurrah as a sign of honour.

At farewell ceremony, President Kenyatta however appeared in a suit, avoiding the his military uniform which he has worn on a number of occasions during his presidency.

Chief of Defense Forces General Robert Kibochi lauded President Kenyatta for leaving behind what he described as the finest military forces in Africa.

"As you retire, we will remain with fond memories of your trust and confidence in this institution of KDF. You have left behind one of the finest military institutions in the continent," Kibochi stated.

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