Angola: Spain, Guinea Bissau and Gabon Welcome General Elections in Angola

Luanda - The Spanish government congratulated the people and government of Angola due to the holding of the general elections of 24 August, whose results were validated Friday by the Constitutional Court (TC).

The note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Spanish Kingdom highlights that the voting occurred in a climate of peace and normality.

"Spain, on the occasion of this important democratic exercise by the friendly people of Angola, expresses its firm will to continue working with the new government", states the document .

Guinea Bissau

The President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, declared that, on behalf of the Guinean people and in his personal name, he wished the Angolan statesman "warm congratulations" on his re-election.

The Guinea President also wished João Lourenço good health, personal happiness, as well as the continued well-being of the Angolan people.


The Gabonese President addressed a message to João Lourenço stressing that "the Angolan people has just renewed confidence in your political party, MPLA in the Angolan general elections of 24 August 2022".

"Through their own choice, your fellow citizens have expressed the will to continue to see you at the head of the destiny of Angola", expresses Ali Bongo.

The Gabonese president also wished João Lourenço success in leading the country, stressing the excellent relationship of friendship, fraternity and cooperation between Angola and Gabon.

Last week, the National Electoral Commission (CNE) published the final results of the 24 August general elections, which gave victory to MPLA and its candidate, João Lourenço with 51.17% of the votes, followed by UNITA with 43.95%.

With these results, the MPLA gains 124 seats in the Parliament and UNITA elects 90 MPs, almost double compared to the 2017 elections.

PRS won two seats in parliament by getting 1.14% of the votes, the same number of MPs won by FNLA with 1.06% and PHA 1.02%.

The CASA-CE electoral coalition, APN and P-NJANGO did not win seats in the National Assembly (Angolan parliament) which operates with 220 members.

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