Liberia: Businessman Assad Fadel Makes Passionate Call to Prioritize Liberian-Made Products

Monrovia — The Chief Executive Officer of Mano Manufacturing Company (MANCO), Assad Fadel is urging Liberians to patronize Liberian-made products.

According to him, his company has been here since 1969 and has been producing quality products.

"We have to love our own, when we say made in Liberia, we must patronize made in Liberia; because made in Liberia means it is Liberian brothers and sisters who are making the products, we have to be very careful, we have to love our own, there are lots of products coming from outside and they are not of good quality," he said.

Speaking Saturday, September 10, 2022 during an honoring program organized by the Progressive Market Women Association of Liberia Mr. Fadel expressed gratitude to the organization for recognizing the impactful contributions of his company to the transformation of the country's business sector.

"I inherited the business from my father. My Father came to Liberia in 1960 as a chemist. When I asked my father what kept him in Liberia, he will tell me that the people in Liberia are very friendly," he said.

Mr. Fadel said he is a Liberian by choice, stressing that when he interacts with Liberians, mostly those who are engaged in visionary activities, he is always comfortable to collaborate with such a group.

He assured the Progressive Market Women Association of Liberia of MANCO's fullest support to complete their project.

"We have to understand the gratitude of this group, this is something that is very big, we can even make it bigger," he said.

Speaking early during the program, the Leadership and members of the Progressive Market Women Association of Liberia, located in Duala Bushrod Island, paid homage to the Chief Executive Officer.

The Chairlady of the Progressive Market Women Association, madam Ada Oha said their decision to honor the CEO was based on his continued efforts to improve the lives of Liberians.

"We have called honorable Fadel to appreciate him for the numerous contributions he has made to our nation and individual lives," she noted.

She narrated that marketers are fully supporting their families through the products produced by the Mano Manufacturing Company that is on the Liberian Market.

"We are all business people; we have always been seeking to see someone like you among us," she said.

Madam Oha further recounted that during the Ebola pandemic that took the lives of many people, MANCO stood with the people of Liberia by keeping their products on the market.

She used the program to appeal for support from Mr. Fadel to complete their building project at the newly constructed Duala market by President George Weah.

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