Nigeria - China Synergy Crucial for Rapid Devt - Chinese Envoy

12 September 2022

THE Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Ambassador Cui Jianchun, weekend, called for deeper bonding between the Nigerian government and the People's Republic of China, saying that a healthy relationship between the two countries will bring more development.

Speaking in Lagos during the 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival of China National Day and Nigeria Independence Day celebration, Jianchun said that both countries need to promote harmony in three key areas, namely integration, diversity and development.

His words: "I believe that unity is important for China and Nigeria. China has 56 ethnic groups while Nigeria has more than 250 ethnic groups. From my experience, I know that for any country to develop, we need unity.

"So we need to pursue kindness and harmony through people and nature while through family and society we pursue happiness and friendliness. From ethnic group and culture, we pursue unity."

He hinted that the development of any nation hangs on the peace experience by states that make up such a country.

He said: "States that make up any country need to be in peace because it is a precondition for any nation to develop. They also need the support of parliament and party to guide the governance."

On his part, Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation, Mr Henry Ikechukwu Ikoh, called for increased collaborations between China and Nigeria, in the area of agriculture, infrastructural development, technology, health, and culture among others.

Ikoh said that Nigeria could feed the entire African continent if the Chinese could render some assistance in improving mechanised farming in Nigeria.

He said the Chinese would be rendering great help to the Nigerian economy if they could transfer their technology, commercialise it in Nigeria and make the world a better place for all.

Also speaking at the event, the Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China, Chu Maoming urged Nigerians and the Chinese community to be committed to promoting friendly relationships between the two countries.

Maoming said: "We are brothers and sisters with Nigerians already, I want us to continue to promote this friendly relationship to move our countries forward."

In her remarks, the wife of the former President of Nigeria, Mrs Bola Obasanjo, while delivering the message of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, said: "I bring you greetings from Chief Aremu Obasanjo, who seeks for more Nigeria and China partnership, collaboration and inclusiveness in trade and technology."

Mrs Obasanjo later presented the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library awards to Chief Dr Eric Ni and Chief Matthew Uwaekwe for their contribution to the relationship between China and Nigeria.

Speaking during the presentation of scholarships to 63 Nigerian students in Arts and Culture, Chairman of the Chinese Industrial and Commercial Enterprises Association, Dr Eric Ni said the scholarships were given in appreciation of their outstanding performance in the study of Nigerian and Chinese cultures.

Eric Ni noted that each of the students had been given N100,000 to aid their studies of Chinese and Nigerian cultures.

He said: "As we do every year, we are ready to support our Nigerian communities and orphanage homes in education, sports and culture. Early this year, we gave scholarships to 80 students; we just renovated and furnished 3 primary schools in Okokomiako in Lagos state.

"We have also registered a new orphanage home called Hua Xing Tzu Chi Orphanage Home in Ogun State. The Chinese community also supported 30 low-income families with food items and cash to assist their businesses. We will continue to do this for our Nigerian brothers and sisters."

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