Liberia: Decision 2023

12 September 2022

Cummings cautions Liberians

The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander Cummings says the power to stop the mass suffering and alleviate extreme poverty, lies in the decision, Liberians will make in choosing competent and qualified leadership that cares and prioritize the welfare of its citizens.

Cummings said corruption by public officials has too long, robbed Liberians of money intended to fix the roads, provide reliable electricity and safe drinking water, improve health care delivery services, and ensure other essential social services that could better the lives of the vast majority.

He said to change Liberia from its current undesirable sad state of depression and achieve economic prosperity, Liberians will have to vote out the leadership of President George Weah, declared by the international community as the most corrupt government.

The CPP Standard Bearer made the assertions, during a community engagement and interactions with citizens in Mount Barclay, District #2, Montserrado County on Friday, September 9, 2022.

The program organized by the Lofa United Women and attended by hundreds of community dwellers provided them the opportunity to discuss and seek answers from Mr. Cummings on critical national issues and his political agenda and programs for real change in Liberia.

The women spoke of the extreme economic hardships, the rising cost of living, lack of electricity, jobs and business opportunities, as well as medical facilities, deplorable roads, and the economic challenge of sending and maintaining their children in school.

Cummings blamed these unfavorable economic conditions and poor state of affairs, on the ineptitude of President Weah and his lack of knowledge about governance, saying the job of President is too big for Mr. Weah.

Cummings said the CDC government of President Weah has failed miserably and it's the worst and most incompetent, and corrupt administration ever in the history of Liberia that must be voted out in 2023.

Cummings assured that a CPP government will prioritize the welfare of its citizens by stopping corruption and investing heavily in agriculture and infrastructure development including the construction of improved roads, provision of electricity, safe drinking water, and better health care services and school system.

Cummings said Liberia has tremendous resources, that when properly and effectively managed, can guarantee a better and prosperous life for every Liberian, based on our individual capacity and ability.

Cummings responding to questions about his contributions to nation-building said Liberia has and will always remain on the top of his agenda.

He referred to his scholarship and educational assistance programs for students, medical supplies, and equipment to health facilities, especially during the outbreaks of Ebola and COVID-19, the Cummings Africa Foundation was involved in various sectors of socio-economic development projects worth several millions of United States Dollars.

Cummings prided himself as one of the biggest single private financial contributors to spurring human and national development in Liberia, also noting his numerous recommendations and advice to national government aimed at ensuring a wholesome functioning society in Liberia.

Earlier, elders and community leaders in Mount Barclay, District two, Montserrado County, on behalf of the hundreds of residents pledged their support and commitment to the CPP and its Standard Bearer presidential bid in 2023.

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