Liberia: Pure Madness On Capitol Hill

12 September 2022

Members of the Liberian Senate seemed to have lost their right frame of mind when they endorsed and passed the Act Adopting an Integrated Pension and Benefits Scheme for Certain Categories of Officials of the Government of the Republic of Liberia, allotting themselves half of their current salary for retirement.

The Act is cited as the Integrated Pension and Benefits of 2022. They want said benefit for themselves and their immediate families, as long as they are out of job.

Senators who signed such wicked Act are nothing but selfish and inhumane. By their decision, they have clearly demonstrated that they lack the mark of leadership.

Such wicked Act did not deserve to see daylight, because, for all purposes, it was never in the interest of the greater majority except senators, their wives and children.

Mind you, senators, who behaved in such inhumane manner, are lining up to go to their people for re-election next year. What a shame!

They care very less for the people but seek their votes to perpetuate themselves in power. Some are already completing two nine-year terms, and are on bended knees, asking for a third term.

They drafted and passed the law for themselves, ignoring the plights of doctors, teachers and nurses, who are making enormous sacrifices across the country with very little incentives if any at all.

Are 30 senators on Capitol Hill more Liberians than the rest of the over 4 million citizens who lack the privileges they enjoy as elected officials? Absolutely not. The electorate elected them to seek their interest and serve their wellbeing.

But they are not doing so. Instead, greed and selfishness have blinded their eyes and turned their focus away from the people. All they want and seek is for themselves.

Where is the leadership and service to the people? Is it all about themselves and nothing for the people? Anything that would serve their insatiable desires except the people, they go for it albeit how unpleasant.

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