Liberia: Gbarpolu Elders, Chiefs Pledges Support to CPP

Gbarpolu — A twenty-member elders and Chief delegation from, Gbarpolu County on Monday, September 10, paid a courtesy visit to the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander B. Cummings at his office in Monrovia.

The visit was organized by Gbarpolu County Senator Daniel Naatehn, who is also Chairman of the Alternative National Congress (ANC).

The spokesperson for the Chiefs and Elders, Mr. Yarkpawolo Clan expressed gratitude to Mr. Cummings for the warm reception accorded them and his strong desire for real change in Liberia.

Elder Clan said Liberia is at a critical junction, requiring the collective efforts of both the best qualified and competent leaders and all well-meaning citizens to restore its lost dignity, and relief thousands of Liberians going through the agonies of suffering and extreme poverty.

He said considering Mr. Cummings' vast leadership credentials and experiences and his sincere commitment to help make Liberia a better, the Chiefs, Elders and citizens of Bokomu and Gonwulala districts in Gbarpolu, pledged their support to his Presidential bid in 2023.

Responding, the CPP Standard Bearer, Mr. Alexander Cummings extended thanks and appreciations to the Elders and Chiefs for the visit and pledged of support and loyalty to his Presidential bid in 2023.

Mr. Cummings reaffirmed his sincere commitment to his agenda for change, which he said will certainly restore the hopes of Liberians for a better and prosperous nation.

The CPP Standard Bearer said corruption and abuse of public office by President George Weah's administration has robbed the country of economic prosperity and subjected the vast majority to mass suffering and poverty.

He assured that a CPP administration will commit to correcting the past wrongs and reset a new agenda of inclusions of all Liberians aimed at achieving economic prosperity and national development.

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