Ghana: We'll Ensure Election 2024 Is Conducted in Transparent, Fair Manner - Boamah Otokunor

10 September 2022

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) will ensure the 2024 general election is conducted in a transparent and fair manner devoid of irregularities.

It alleged that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) may want to rig the elections in order to break eight years of political party rule.

"We are poised, focused, determined and committed to ensure that the next elections are conducted in a fair, transparent and credible manner devoid of irregularities to botch any attempt by the NPP to rig the electoral processes," the party assured.

Dr Boamah Otokunor, the Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, indicated that the party was preparing adequately to prevent any irregularities and rigging of the elections and alleged that the NPP may want to rig the elections to 'break the eight'.

"As such, the NDC will prepare adequately to ensure that the 'scheme' is botched by building strong system to deal with any attempt of possible electoral machinations, irregularities and manipulations in the next elections and we have conducted assessments of our performance in the 2020 elections to correct anomalies.

"The party has conducted assessments of its performance in the 2020 elections, and is in the process of correcting anomalies in order to position the NDC for victory in 2024 and we have organised numerous activities from last year including outreaches, retreats, and data collection among other issues which are essential towards grassroots re-organisation in building strong management system," Dr Otokunor assured.

According to him, it was the party's posture to stop any attempt to rig the 2024 elections and would not stand aloof and allow to be cheated because it had learned hard lessons from the 2020 elections that would ensure the NDC won the next elections and pointed out that even though the Electoral Commission was hostile towards the party, strategic steps were being adopted to cement its victory at polling stations.

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