Ghana: EC Has Always Reached Out to NDC Leadership - Serebour Quaicoe

14 September 2022

The Electoral Commission (EC) has stated that it has always reached out to the leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on issues affecting electoral processes.

It has refuted allegations of hostility towards the party even though there had been disagreements between them before, during and after the 2020 elections however, the NDC claimed to have boycotted Inter Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meetings but always signs minutes of such meetings.

Former President Mahama recently reported the Commission to the US Ambassador to Ghana over what he terms hostile posture towards the NDC.

But Dr Serebour Quaicoe, Director of Electoral Services at EC, revealed that the Commission had always reached out to the leadership of the NDC and was already collaborating with his outfit for implementation of the controversial Constitutional Instrument (CI) for continuous registration exercise with only the Ghana Card.

He justified the decision to use only the Ghana Card for the exercise and maintained that the National Identification Authority (NIA) had assured prospective voters they would be issued their cards before the 2024 elections.

"We come out with our modalities and meet the political parties to discuss it, whenever they come with issues it will enhance our modalities, we do listen to them, wait for the political parties including the NDC to bring their modalities and after the CI has been passed the committee will meet and discuss the details of how the communication will be done.

"We have written to all political parties for their nomination so we are waiting for the CI to be passed including the NDC," Dr Quaicoe noted.

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