Liberia: SN Brussels May Cancel Flights Over Malfunctioning Navigation System At RIA

Monrovia — FrontPageAfrica has been informed that SN Brussels, the only western airline flying into Europe with connections to the United States of America may be forced to suspend its services over a malfunctioning navigation system at the Roberts International Airport.

Information gathered by this paper has it that the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) has sanctioned the Roberts International Airport (RIA) over the malfunctioning navigation system and has given a three-month ultimatum for the repair of the equipment.

SN Brussels has often been forced to land using its own navigation without the aid of the airport's navigation - something which puts the plane, passengers and the airport in danger.

Belgian laws prohibit its flights from landing in countries that do not have a functioning navigation system.

FrontPageAfrica also gathered that another piece of equipment, The Localizer - a piece of equipment stationed at the end of the runway near the sea has not been functioning for the past three months.

This is a developing story. Full Details coming up in our Friday, September 16, 2022 print and online edition.

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