Liberia: Amara Konneh to Fix Gbarpolu Road Before Election

Bopolu — Former Finance Minister, Amara Konneh, has told residents of Gbarpolu County that he would repair the road from the county's capital to Bomi County.

The deplorable Gbarpolu road condition has slowed down economic activities in the county with residents in that part of the country alarming the national government to come to their aid.

Marketers in the county who mostly feel the pinch of the deplorable road were seen in a jubilant mood when Konneh announced to the marketers that he will fix the road from Bopolu City to Bomi County to ease the tension.

"I will fix the road from here to Bomi border, whether you elect me or not I must fix that road, I understand that road is a serious problem for this county," he said.

The former finance minister said he already has his own machine that he will fuel to make the road leading to his home county better.

Speaking to a cross-section of residents in the county, mainly market women, there were mixed reactions about the road leading to the county.

Marie Daniel, a market woman, said she finds it difficult for her to transport her goods from the county to Duala Market where she normally sells.

"I stopped selling due to this one road business, so if Amara Konneh says he will fix it, I personally will pray for him so that God can give him everything he's looking for under this sun," she said.

Alfred Yarsiah, a resident of the Bopolu, however, said the intervention from Konneh is belated. "Why is he coming now to fix the road? Didn't he travel on this same road with his expensive car when he was Finance Minister?" he asked in anger.

Alfred is of the conviction that Konneh's intention to fix the road is for political reasons.

"Only because he wants to be Senator that's why he's talking about fixing the road, but it disappointing to see people playing politics with the lives of their own people they claim they love," he lamented.

Another resident in the county, Foley Ozango praised Konneh for his efforts in the county. Foley said Konneh had been doing well in the county since his days at the Finance Ministry.

"Go to the districts in Gbarpolu County and see his development has carried out there; he constructed modern town halls for the people, he built all of the major bridges and fixed the road," he claimed.

Konneh is currently in the county seeking the blessings of the chiefs and elders and at the same time announcing his interest to contest the senatorial race in the county.

"I am in Gbarpolu County to consult with my people about my intention to become their next Senator. Konneh-La (Konneh Town), my ancestral home, was my first stop to seek the blessings of my uncles and cousins. Lots of happy tears," he explained.

He said he will not allow the bad roads to prevent him from consulting with his people. "Our consultation and outreach continue to deepen in Gbarpolu County. The roads, abandoned for over four years now, are impassable. But we will cover every town and village by motorbike and foot if necessary--one village at a time," he said.

During his consultation trail in the County, Konneh paid tributes to late uncle Mamadee Konneh who was buried in Gbaqueh's Town and his aunt Mamakore Kamara buried in Totokore Town. "They both helped mold me into the man I am today, I will not come here and forget about them," he said.

The Christian community in the County also officially welcomed Konneh to Bopolu City and Gbarpolu County.

Chief Pastor William Marwolo of the Grace Commission Church offered prayers for him which he (Konneh) said he was grateful to the church even though he's a Muslim.

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