Liberia: NPP Goes to Convention October

20 September 2022

The National Patriotic Party (NPP) announces its 7th Biennial convention for October 7-8, 2022 in Paynesville, outside Monrovia.

The party says the pending convention will be held on the theme, "Unity, Commitment, Trust and Reconciliation, the requirements for a genuine national partnership."

The aim of the convention is to elect officers that will serve for four years in the party and take it to elections thru the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change that it is in coalition with.

Its current political leader is the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, Madam Jewel Howard Taylor. Ms. Taylor is also former First Lady of Liberia.

According to the NPP, offices to be contested for at the convention include National Chairman, National Vice Chairpersons, and National Treasurer, respectively.

Delegates are expected to review achievements, works, programs and formulate new policies; review financial and audit reports, including administrative matters and the state of affairs of the party.

The National Patriotic Party is a grassroots political party that grew out of the defunct rebels National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) led by now jailed former President Charles Ghankay Taylor.

Mr. Taylor reportedly broke jail from America and launched a rebel incursion in Liberia on December 25, 1989, against slain President Samuel Kanyon Doe.

After several peace negotiations, West African leaders led by late Nigerian Head of State Gen. Sani Abacha, brokered a truce that led to elections in July 1997. Mr. Taylor disarmed the NPFL, contested for the presidency via the NPP and won.

But the regime was beleaguered by protracted rebel war that forced Taylor to resign and go in exile to Nigeria from where he was forcibly brought back in 2006 and taken to The Hague, tried and convicted of aiding and abetting RUF rebels in Sierra Leone.

He is serving a 50 years sentence in the United Kingdom.

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