Sierra Leone: Non-Natives to Own Land in the Provinces

19 September 2022

Following the Presidential assent to the two land laws (Customary Land Rights Act and the National Land Commission Act 2022) last week, Cap 122 of the Provinces Land Act 1972 and other related land laws have been expunged from the country's law books and will no longer be used in the court of law.

The Provinces Land Act, Cap 122, as amended by Act No. 20 of 1972, governed the bulk of rural areas in Sierra Leone and also disqualified non-natives to own in the provinces. However, with the new Customary Land Rights Act, 2022, all citizens are now entitled to own land including non-natives across the country.

The other related land laws that have been expunged are the Local Government Act, No. 1 of 2004 (Section 20), the Protectorate Land Ordinance of 1927 and the Unoccupied Lands (Ascertainment of Title) Act, Cap 117 of 1960.

The government printer is now printing the final version for publishing.

However, Mohamed E.J Kargbo, Civil society activist on land, governance and environmental protection, Green Scenery Sierra Leone, commended strategic players-the government and development partners for supporting the process that led to that achievement.

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