Liberia: CSO Council Urges Citizens to Remain Calm

As the Government of Liberia (GOL) through the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the National Security Agency (NSA) announces the launch of a full scale investigation in ensuring that those responsible for the released of the damaging fake video are brought to book, the National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL) has called on Liberians to remain calm and peaceful while waiting on the outcome of the probe.

The fake video, which has been circulating on the social media, borders on national security invoking terrorist groups' operations in Liberia.

In the fake video circulating on the internet, the commentator linked the President George M. Weah-led government to international terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and Boko Haram. In the same video, the commentator also alleged that the international community had allegedly uncovered a plot by President Weah to rig the 2023 Elections.

The commentator further accused Grand Gedeans of training the malicious groups in Grand Gedeh County to destabilize the peace and tranquility of the country allegedly under President Weah's command.

But speaking at a press conference on Monday, September 19, 2022 at the LNP Headquarters on Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Police Spokesman, Moses Carter, averred that the fake video contains barrage of information.

He, however, assured that the LNP and other Joint Security Institutions will leave no stone unturned in jealously protecting the peace and stability of the country.

And on the heel of the ongoing investigation, the NCSCL in a statement, called on Liberians to keep calm and wait on the fruit of the government's investigation as to know the actual poster of said video that is so demeaning to the image of the country.

The Council pointed out that the peace and stability of the country lie in the hands of every Liberian irrespective of one's political affiliation, religious creed, and as such, all should work towards maintaining a peaceful atmosphere for the growth and development of the country.

On the other side of the coin, the CSO Council urged government's authorities to move with speed in order to allay the fears as issues raised in the video bordered on the security of the state ahead of what tends to be the most crucial Presidential and Legislative elections in many years.

"The National Civil Society Council of Liberia, being a conscience of society, takes keen interest in the recent video circulated on various social media platforms that tends to undermine or threaten the peace and security of our glorious land of liberty. With this video having the propensity to bury the gains the country has made over the nearly two decades, we call on Liberians to control their emotions - remain calm and peaceful and wait on the result of the ongoing investigation launched by the government geared towards establishing the identity of the poster," said the CSO Council in a statement released under the signature of its Chairperson, Madam Loretta Alethea Pope Kai.

"In the same vein, we urge the Government of Liberia through the Liberia National Police and its collaborating security apparatus to conduct this sensitive investigation in a timely manner due to the serious security implications such video has on the nation and its people," added the NCSCL.

The Council's statement comes amid warning by the International Community following the damaging video.

The International Community called on Liberian politicians and stakeholders to refrain from hate speech and disinformation, stressing that political stakeholders have a responsibility to also refrain from violence and negative vices in the run up to the 2023 elections.

In a joint statement signed by the UN Resident Coordinator, Neils Scott, the International Community strongly condemned any attempt to link it to allegations which would threaten and undermine national security.

The country's partners said statements contained in the well circulated piece have no connection with the International Community in Liberia.

It wants those behind the purported social media piece be held accountable for their actions.

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