Liberia: Posing As Land Sale Agent for Pres. Weah, Dealer Allegedly Defrauds Liberian in the Diaspora About U.S.$17,000

Monrovia — A Liberian living in the US, Kelvin David, is upset about an alleged dubious land deal, involving one Joe Dorah which he noted, has cost approximately US$17,000) in total.

Mr. David told FrontPageAfrica via WhatsApp chat on Monday, September 19, that

Dorah, between 2019 to 2021, allegedly put him under the pretense of being a Land Commissioner and the one who purchase lands for President George and could get him well-situated land for construction purposes.

He said, his Dorah did not only use President Weah's name to convince him but presented another person, who claimed to be the Special Assistant to Maritime Commissioner, Eugene Nagbe, identified as Thomas Bookolo Watson.

Kelvin noted that after being convenience by the two, he paid a sum of US$7,000 to Joe Dorah and his brother Tito Dorah at the price of US$3,500 lot each since the land was perfectly situated along the Marshall territory in Margibi County.

Kelvin said initially, his brother who was interceding the negotiations between him and the alleged land dealers went to the site shown and brought two loads of sand, two truck loads of crush-rocks, and as well as fencing of the area, including workmanship, which carries his total expenditure to US$17,000.

A photocopy of one of the receipts Kelvin David claimed given to him by Joe Dorah is in the possession of FrontPageAfrica and shows the names of Joe Dorah and Title Dorah, recipients of US$3,400.

However, he said the deal, initially viewed as promising, turned out to be unfavorable for him after another person had come to claim the area.

At this point, Mr. David noted that he tried contacting Dorah, who had claimed ownership of the properties, before being sold to him, but no avail.

As a result, he said a complaint was filed to RIA Magisterial Court, where Joe Dorah refused to show up.

He said the brother of Joe Dorah was the only one who appeared and was released on bond but had to be ordered rearrested by the court, after refusing to show up again at another date set.

FrontPageAfrica also has a copy of the arrest warrant from the court which connects about six defendants with the crime "Theft of Property for Deception."

Since then, Kelvin David is worried that his alleged fraudster, Joe Dorah, has refused to appear before the court, under the pretense that he is on a presidential assignment and to address claims of extorting money from him.

He noted that his project is being delayed and Thomas Bokolo Watson, who connected Dorah to him for the deal, is yet to be trapped.

David said the refusal of both men to show up has been prolonged and that following several complaints to those within and outside government circles, he (Kelvin David) is yet to get redress.

As such, David maintained that he had chosen to take on to the media to express dismay over the situation.

He is also seeking the intervention of President Weah and seeking clarity as to whether Joe Dorah is working with him on his projects.

David feared that Joe Dorah is currently using his connection in government to allegedly withhold his money.

When contacted via Whatsapp and his mobile number, the man in the center of the allegation, Joe Dorah neither denied nor confirmed the allegation, but told FrontPageAfrica that Kelvin Davies had an option to go to court, if there is such claims.

Dorah further reigned insult on our Judicial Reporter, warning him not to bring such a 'stupid' issue to his attention.

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