Ghana: Reconstruction Work On 6km School Junction-Tema Motorway Road Project Progressing Steadily

22 September 2022

Reconstruction works on the Dualisation of the School Junction to the Tema Motorway (University Farms Road) at Borteyman in the Greater Accra Region is progressing steadily.

The 6-kilometre project, awarded to Messrs Oswal ConstructionCompany limited in April this year, is expected to be completed in 18 months.

The road is a new one being undertaken by the government as one of the main routes connecting the sports complex, making it possible for the 13th All African games to be hosted in the country in August next year.

It involved the construction of storm drains, access and service roads, street lights, road signs and road markings.

The level of the completion is about 70 percent according to the contractor, Humphrey A Williams, when he briefed the Minister of Roads and Highways, Mr Kwasi Amoako-Atta, and his entourage who were on a routine inspection of some road projects in the Greater Accra Region.

He said 5-kilometres of earth works have been done and the remaining 1-kilometre would be completed in the coming weeks, and assured that the whole project would be completed ahead of schedule.

Mr William indicated that the major earth works and the drains had been done to an appreciable level, adding thatthe "dressing and asphalting materials are all ready, we would not disappoint the government and the ministry seeing the importance attached to the project as eyes would be on the game's village" he added.

As at the time of the Minister's visit, the contractor was on site busily working on the earth works on the second section as one portion had already being completed

Mr Amoako-Atta was accompanied by the Chief Director of the Ministry, Alhaji Dr Awullo Abbas, the Director of Urban Roads, Amoo Gottfried, the Director of Feeder Roads, Roosevelt Otoo and Christian Nti the Chief Director of the Ghana Highway Authority GHA and other officials of the ministry.

The Minister after the inspection commended the contractor for the level of commitment and importance attached to the project.

"This is a fantastic job, the government and the ministry are extremely happy at the level of work done so far, this contractor has been doing a great job and must be commended,"he added.

He assured that government would fulfill its part of the bargain by making funds available to enable him and others complete their jobs.

Mr Amoako-Atta said he was always happy anytime he visited the project sites of OSWAL and 10 other Ghanaian contractors because they are always on site supervising their workers to ensure jobs are done according to specifications.

He stated that government would assist all such contractors upgrade their skills in order to win contracts in foreign countries so that they could repatriate their profits home to help develop the country.

"We need to empower our own and resource them adequately so that they could execute excellent jobs as compared to their counterparts in other countries," he added.

The minister also used the tour to inspect ongoing works at the Flower Pot at East Legon in Accra.

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