Ghana: 200 Pregnant Women Undergo Free Scan, Receive Medication

22 September 2022

More than 200 pregnant women in the Anyaa Sowutoum Constituency yesterday benefited from a free pregnancy scan organised by the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Dr Dickson Adomako-Kissi.

In addition, the women also received free blood supplements and education on caesarian section from some specialists of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital.

Speaking in interview with the Ghanaian Times, the MP said the exercise formed part of his initiative to offer the women opportunity to seek medical attention on any bordering health issues.

He said women's health was paramount with regards to the Sustainable Development Goal Three which was targeted at reducing one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.

"It is in line with this, that today, I decided to use the holiday for free pregnancy scan so that we can pick up some of the issues and diagnose them for proper treatment," he added.

Dr Adomako-Kisi said some pregnant women often times were faced with pregnancy challenges such as pains, ectopic, abnormalities in the baby head size, shape, missing a limp among others which most of them could not afford in diagnosing and so was important they went through routine exercises such as that.

He advised the pregnant women to desist from patronising prayer houses and visiting their hometowns for delivery to avoid complications.

Dr Adomako-Kissi decried the increasing cases of pregnant women who patronised prayer houses and faith-based centres to assist them during deliveries saying that it made their work difficult.

"I have advised them on the spiritual aspect because pastors and reverends are stakeholders in this work and sometimes make our work difficult because they do not encourage the women to take medical advice but only the spiritual advice. However, we can work hand in hand to ensure that there is no premature mortality," he stated.

He stressed the need for pregnant women to register at approved hospitals for ante-natal care to ensure safe delivery.

Dr Adomako-Kissi promised to impact his community positively on health related issues and assured of establishing a district hospital to cater for the health needs of the constituents.

Some of the beneficiaries expressed gratitude to the MP saying it was timely due to some health challenges they were unable to access the health centres due to financial crisis.

"I am very happy for the gesture because some of us might have not had the opportunity or money to go through all these he has done for free. We appreciate it and say God richly bless him for thinking about pregnant women," Mrs Deladem, a businesswoman said.

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