The African Development Bank Issues New Usd 100 Million 7-Year "Feed Africa" Theme Bond Due September 2029

22 September 2022
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

On Wednesday 14 September, the African Development Bank (AfDB), rated Aaa/AAA/AAA/AAA (Moody's/S&P/Fitch/Japan Credit Rating, all stable), issued a USD 100 million 7-year "Feed Africa" Theme Bond due September 2029. The new issuance was arranged by Citigroup Global Markets Limited and sold in a Private Placement format to a single Japanese investor, Norinchukin Bank, a strong supporter of Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry industries.

Through this investment in the African Development Bank's "Feed Africa" theme bond, the investor aims to support the Bank's initiatives and contribute to the increase in food production in Africa.

Since 2015, the African Development Bank has issued a certain number of theme bonds linked to its five strategic operational priorities known as the "High 5s", for the purpose of financing projects under each of the High 5 areas. The "Feed Africa" bond is intended to support the "Feed Africa" High 5 and the Bank will use its best efforts to direct an amount equal to the net proceeds of the issue of the notes to lending projects which aim to advance the "Feed Africa" strategic priority, subject to and in accordance with the Bank's lending standards.

Under its Feed Africa strategy, the Bank is working to (i) contribute to reduce poverty; (ii) end hunger and malnutrition; (iii) make Africa a net food exporter; and (iv) move Africa to the top of export-orientated value chains where it has a comparative advantage. Feed Africa's overall goal is to make Africa a net food exporter by 2025.

Summary Terms of the Bond


African Development Bank


Aaa/AAA/AAA/AAA (All Stable)

Issue Amount

USD 100 million

Trade Date

1 September 2022

Issue Date

14 September 2022

Maturity Date

14 September 2029


3.403%, Fixed, Semi-Annually, 30/360

ESG label

"Feed Africa"




Citigroup Global Markets Limited



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