Sudan Pensioners Protest for Improved Pay

[Sudan] Traders on their way to El Fasher (file photo).
22 September 2022

Khartoum / El Serif — Protesters consisting of pensioners and those who were arbitrarily dismissed from the civil service, organised a vigil in front of the Council of Ministers in Khartoum yesterday.

Demonstrators reportedly barricaded main roads in demand of a better pension pay arrangement, in accordance with the new salary structure and job grade.

They called on the authorities to stop deductions to their pensions, and to launch an investigation into the misappropriation of the pension fund.

The protesters also demanded compensation for damages with a top-up salary of six months for each year of their dismissal, an improvement of the pension by 83 per cent, and a unification of a national pension age.

North Darfur sit-in continues for 13th day

Sit-ins and road closures continue for the 13th day in El Serif in North Darfur, in protest of the appointment of a superintendent from the Bani Hussein tribe.

Hussein Dabka Mansour a local from El Serif told Radio Dabanga, that they are calling on the governor of North Darfur to cancel his appointment decision, and to abide by the previous agreement of holding an inter-tribal conference.

Protesters also demanded the executive director and the administrative officer in El Serif be transferred, and members of the tribe who intervened in previous conflicts held accountable.


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