Liberia: Commercial Motorcyclists Frustrated

23 September 2022

-Over delays in obtaining license

Obtaining a new license plate for commercial motorcyclists, including tricyclists is becoming a serious issue in Monrovia, as riders had to wait in queues for a long time to do their registration and obtain licenses, something that is disrupting their daily hustle and tussle.

The purpose of government renewing licenses is to regulate motor movement across the country and reduce the high crime rate in the country, as criminals after use bikes in snatching cell phones and other valuable properties from unsuspecting citizens, including commuters, a situation that is on the rampage.

The Ministry of Transport (MOT) in collaboration with the National Federation of Motorcycle & Tricycle Association of Liberia (NAFOMTAL), the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) last month launched rigorous motorcycle and tricycles registration compliance enforcement exercises, in Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Bong and Nimba counties, respectively.

Early this week at the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC), one of the designated Service Centers of the Ministry of Transport, motorcyclists expressed frustration about slow pace of the process.

One motorcyclist, Rudolf T. Nelson, told the NEW DAWN the delay hinders his daily operation, lamenting "I've been here since 5 a.m. this morning and it is after 4 p.m. but I cannot get my license. This is totally frustrating for us hustlers. I report 2000 Liberian Dollars daily; how will I get my report money today?"

"Since this morning, myself couldn't get my license and I had to go hustle small and come back to stand in the line again, and up to now, I cannot get mine", another motorcyclist, Mulbah Foday, added.

He said obtaining License Plate is US$25, which is expensive for them because those plying the trade have increased so they cannot generate such money. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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