Liberia: Arabic Schools to Harmonize Curriculum

26 September 2022

The Supreme Fatwa Council in Liberia in collaboration with Albasaaer Company and A. S. Charitable Society has begun a three-day training of trainers' workshop on preparing curriculum for instructors and administrators of Islamic schools in Monrovia.

The Grand Motif of Liberia, Sheik Abubakar Sumaworo, said the workshop is intended to harmonize Arabic curriculum in all Islamic schools across the country.

Sheik Sumaworo explained the training is also intended to put Islamic schools on equal standard with Islamic schools in Africa and the rest of the world.

He appealed to administrators of Islamic schools here to register with the Ministry of Education to be in good standing with the Government of Liberia

Sheik Sumaworo also appealed to parents of students attending Islamic schools to pay their fees because almost all of the schools are not receiving subsidies from government.

He said more than 75 participants from nine counties in Liberia are beneficiaries of the training with the facilitator, Dr. Mohamed Albersate, from Egypt.

He said with three from each county, the participants are from Lofa, Gbarpolu, Bomi, Grand Cape and Monrtserrado counties, respectively. Others are from Grand Bassa, Margibi, Bong and Nimba. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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