Liberia: World Tourism Day Celebration Goes to Sanniquellie City

26 September 2022

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) has disclosed that the 47th World Tourism Day will be celebrated today, Tuesday in Sanniquellie City, Nimba county.

The day was chosen by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 1979 and celebration started in 1980. The date 27th September was selected as it marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Statutes of UNWTO in 1970. These Statutes helped in the establishment of (UNWTO) five years later in 1975.

Since 1980, World Tourism Day has been celebrated on 27th September globally each year.

However, the commemoration in Liberia is being held in Sanniquellie City today, September 27, under the theme 'Rethinking Tourism.'

Assistant Minister for Tourism, Madam Jacqueline Capehart said, activities marking the day include among others, parade commencing from the entrance of Sanniquellie City to the former Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) monument in the provincial city to be followed by an indoor program at the Sanniquellie City Hall. The OAU has now been transformed into the African Union.

She said the indoor program will cover cultural and western musical performances, dedication of the O.A.U Monument, and hosting of the flag that represents the three founding member countries: Liberia, Guinea, and Ghana.

"Dignitaries to grace this year's occasion include; Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, Nimba County Legislative Caucus, local government officials, heads of the traditional council of Liberia, Ambassadors of Ghana, Guinea, United States of America, students, CSOs and CBOs, and petit traders, amongst others."

Nimba county has the largest tourist site in Liberia. the two Tourism sites currently trending on UNESCO World Heritage sites in Liberia are PROVIDENCE Island and the Nimba Reserve, amongst others.

She said the idea that gave rise to the OAU was presented by the 18th President of Liberia William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman.

The concept was presented to the Ambassadors of Guinea and Ghana in Sanniquellie City, Nimba county in 1957, according to her.

"We will have all of the three countries' representatives that were present during the establishment of the OAU in 1957", the assistant minister said.

Meanwhile, the purpose of the day is to outline challenges, opportunities, and strategic national direction for the intrinsic tourism sector of Liberia.

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