Ghana: 'CPP Has Solutions for Transforming Ailing Economy to Wealth'

27 September 2022

National Youth Organiser of the Convention People's Party (CPP), Osei Kofi Acquah, has observed that the party has solutions for transforming the nation's ailing economy to a wealthy one.

"The cockerel party is the key the Ghanaian voter needs to unlock the economic wealth and freedom of the nation because it has done it before, right after independence through Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah's growth and development agenda," he stated.

Mr Acquah lamented that after 22 years with the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) governments without transforming the economy, it was time for the electorate to give the CPP another opportunity to govern the nation.

He maintained that the CPP had solutions to the country's challenges regardless of what the citizenry perceived since both the NPP and the NDC had'destroyed' the country Dr Nkrumah toiled to build.

"We were focused, determined and poised to become a successful country, Dr Nkrumah who was a visionary man was not selfish, and documented all the development agenda he wanted to initiate which included the seven-year development plan. He did all he could, made progress for the country, loaned funds to other countries and taught others how to grow their economy," Mr Acquah said.

He likened the woes of the country to a man who left three keys to his children to open a treasure chest, with his children concentrating on the two keys because they were new forgetting the third would open the door even though it looked old.

"When they are asked, why are you still standing in front of the door and not able to enter, they tell him because key A and B are unable to open the door but the question why are you not opening it with Key C? And that is the scenario of our country because even though key C looks rusty and old it will open the door.

"The NPP is key A, even though it looks good and not rusted it is useless, the NDC is key B, even though it looks shiny with key holder it is bogus, the CPP is key C which is rusty and looks old but that person who has been left with it including huge wealth will open the wealth they have been promised," Mr Acquah postulated.

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