Mali: African Union Workshop Towards Operationalization of the African Centre for the Study and Research On Migration in Mali

press release

African Union Commission Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS), Labour, Employment and Migration Division (LEM) organized in close cooperation with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the European Union Commissions, within the framework of the AU-EU Continent-to-Continent Migration and Mobility Dialogue (C2CMMD), a 2-day workshop to validate Mapping Issues for Formulating a Strategic Plan for the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (Mali Centre), from 20- 21 September 2022.

The workshop will provide stakeholders with a platform for discussion and feedback on the mapping report and its validation. The workshop will also present the next steps in formulating the Five-year Strategic Plan of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration in Mali, and will provide participants the opportunity to discuss key areas of the strategy.

Anchored in its statute, the purpose of Mali Centre is to improve the overall migration governance regime in Africa. Specific objectives are as follows: a) Advance the knowledge base on migration and mobility issues in Africa; and b) Contribute to evidence-informed interventions on migration in Africa;

Mrs. Mariama Cisse the director of Social development, Sport and Culture within the HHS highlighted at her opening remarks the importance of the workshop for the operationalization of one of the three AU centres of excellence on migration. "This workshop marks a critical step in the process of preparing the strategic plan of the Mali Centre. With your support as the major stakeholders of the Mali Centre, we are certain that together we can develop a centre that will evolve into a continental leader in mandate area of work," said Mrs. Cisse. The Director further noted that the AU Commission and Member States have made a commitment to manage migration in a coherent manner and to work in unison in improving the migration governance architecture across the Continent.

In conclusion, Mrs. Mariama Cisse reiterated the Commission's commitment in addressing migration issues on the Continent in a holistic and systematic manner, and in establishment of the two other migration centres in Rabat, Morocco and Khartoum, the Sudan. "With your support as partners and stakeholders, we can make migration a major contributor to our shared vision of a Continent that is integrated and prosperous," concluded Mrs. Cisse.

The representative of EU Commission, Maria Luisa TRONCOSO, noted in her opening remarks that the migration is at the heart of the EU and African dialogue and cooperation. "The establishment of the research center is a great opportunity for African Union to shape the legal framework of migration for the continent. Moreover, by amplifying the broad perspective to the analysis of both positive and negative aspects of intra-African migration, African Union can more comprehensively address sustainable development. The Center will also contribute for African Countries to better design their development policies," noted Maria Luisa TRONCOSO.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Ms. Barbara Cuzuioc-Weiss, Senior Project Manager at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) briefed the participants about objectives of the workshop. "The key priorities for the C2CMMD were agreed upon in Nairobi in December 2019. Among the key priorities of the Dialogue is also the support to the operationalisation of the African Centre of the Study and Research on Migration in Mali," noted Ms. Barbara Cuzuioc-Weiss.

The workshop brought together technical experts from the African Union Commission - Coordinating Committee on Migration; AU Regional Economic Communities; Regional CSO Umbrella Organizations; Academia / Capacity Building Institutions (Migration); UN Agencies; European Commission, Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD); International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD); andExternal consultants and experts.

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