Nigeria: Carbon Capture - Nigeria's Climate Plans and World Bank's Fake Solution

29 September 2022

It's time for a future fit World Bank, which doesn't bankroll polluters and aligns its investments with a maximum 1.5 degree warming roadmap.

A future fit World Bank must help reduce carbon emissions by shifting financing from fossil fuels to renewables such as solar and help ensure that new infrastructures are decentralised, while benefitting local communities and preparing workforces to operate a clean economy. The World Bank should stop using public money to bankroll dirty polluters, it should sign the Glasgow Clean Energy statement before the next COP and leave fossil fuels in the ground.

Gas flaring is one of the biggest drivers of climate change and it continues unabated, even though we won a landmark legal case ruling to end it for good. In Gbemre v. Shell, 2005, the Federal High Court ruled that oil companies must stop gas flaring in the Niger Delta due to its impact on the collective survival of communities and its life-threatening environmental effects, such as acid rain. These impacts are still being felt today, with health hazards including cancer, respiratory problems and infertility plaguing our population, whose livelihoods have also been destroyed by toxic soot and oil spills.

Last year, Shell was in the dock again, this time in the Hague, being ordered to cut emissions by 45% by 2030 in line with Paris Agreement obligations. There has been a wave of climate litigations since my case, and communities are undoubtedly more aware of the need to fight against ecocide and the crimes against humanity being committed by oil giants and the governments in their pockets. But the long arm of the law only reaches so far.

One of the most prominent investors in energy is the World Bank, and the institution operates with almost total impunity. Ask Nigerians in Delta State whose lives have been destroyed by the appetite of rich countries for oil, gas and coal, and they won't have heard of the World Bank's financing of fossil fuels projects worldwide - to the tune of $12 billion and still counting since the Paris Agreement.

The World Bank claims to be using public money to "end extreme poverty by 2030 and increase prosperity", but in reality, the global financial system, including the World Bank, is buried as deeply in the pockets of the oil lobby as the Nigerian government is. David Malpass was appointed by the Trump administration to run the World Bank and has denied that global warming is artificial. He should be using the full weight of the Bank's political and economic leverage to get the planet onto a 1.5°C maximum warming pathway. Still, the World Bank promotes false solutions designed to protect the profits of big polluters, and Nigeria is its favourite guinea pig.

We need to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels to achieve a safe climate for all. Even politicians and policymakers need a planet to live on. But the greed of the fossil fuel industry prevents any development of a genuinely green transition. The oil giant executives are lobbying for carbon capture and other false solutions. Look at who runs the global carbon capture storage trade group.

In February, the Bank announced funding for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), a controversial and unproven technology that claims to suck carbon from the atmosphere and store it underground to 'help Nigeria reach its emissions targets, despite criticisms that this techno-fix reinforces fossil fuel dependence. The World Bank's climate action plan makes a few passing references to it, using weasel words to the effect that carbon capture "may" be a solution, which is the Bank's acknowledgement that the concept holds zero scientific backings. Yet millions of dollars have been invested to help Nigeria move forward with burying carbon, which is simply a pretext to continue burning fossil fuels, instead of switching to clean energy.

The science is clear: We need to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels to achieve a safe climate for all. Even politicians and policymakers need a planet to live on. But the greed of the fossil fuel industry prevents any development of a genuinely green transition. The oil giant executives are lobbying for carbon capture and other false solutions. Look at who runs the global carbon capture storage trade group.

The Bank's continued investment in fossil fuels is one of many greenwashing scandals exposing corporate greed while the planet burns. 'Net Zero' promises to offer governments and multinationals a big loophole to continue emitting carbon, while promising to offset it with unrealistic tree planting schemes that could only feasibly lead to land grabs in the global South. Shell's Net Zero pledge would need land three times that of its Dutch home country. The finance world has also recently been rocked by whistleblowers unravelling the lies and deception built into Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds, which claim to rate companies for their sustainable investment credentials when in reality, they invest in fossil fuels too.

Progress was celebrated at the last UN Climate Talks in Glasgow, where a deal was struck by almost 40 nations and financial institutions, purportedly to stop public money from funding fossil fuels projects, but the bank was conspicuously absent from this deal. We have to ask ourselves, why?

A truly World Bank set up to alleviate poverty would invest in democratic renewable energy, not false solutions based on dubious technology and wishful thinking, which allows their allies, the 1%, to continue profiting from drilling and flaring. It's still business as usual for them. Despite their expensive adverts about renewables, which are a fraction of their business interests, they are not seriously pursuing solar, wind or green technologies...

The Bank continues to fund the multinationals who are destroying the planet. Shell has been exploiting people in my community since 1958. We are being wiped out or are refugees in our own country. We are tired. We are dying.

A future fit World Bank must help reduce carbon emissions by shifting financing from fossil fuels to renewables such as solar and help ensure that new infrastructures are decentralised, while benefitting local communities and preparing workforces to operate a clean economy. The World Bank should stop using public money to bankroll dirty polluters, it should sign the Glasgow Clean Energy statement before the next COP and leave fossil fuels in the ground.

The World Bank should align all its policies, programmes and projects into a 1.5-degree roadmap, with poverty alleviation at its heart and priorities investment in Global South renewable energy projects, having civil society input, toward publicly owned, democratically controlled systems that serve the common good, instead of private profit.

A truly World Bank set up to alleviate poverty would invest in democratic renewable energy, not false solutions based on dubious technology and wishful thinking, which allows their allies, the 1%, to continue profiting from drilling and flaring. It's still business as usual for them. Despite their expensive adverts about renewables, which are a fraction of their business interests, they are not seriously pursuing solar, wind or green technologies, which would create jobs and wealth for the many, not the few. It's time for a future fit World Bank, which doesn't bankroll polluters and aligns its investments with a maximum 1.5 degree warming roadmap. The bank must stop hoarding reserves and mobilise green finance. At a minimum, it should recruit leaders who respect the scientific evidence that climate change is our most urgent pressing issue.

Jonah Gbemre is supporting the global calls for the reform of the World Bank. He can be reached on 09076661611. Email:

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