Liberia: Brave, Bold Gongloe Ready for Presidency

The Editor,

Like him or not, Cllr. Tiawon Saye Gongloe is bold, brave, courageous and ready to be President of Liberia and fight corruption past and present.

No other presidential candidate in the race has the political balls and is brave enough to speak truth to power and talk about fighting corruption like Cllr. Tiawon Saye Gongloe . But elections require money, I mean big big money. I challenge Mr. Joe Boakai to be brave enough to approach Mr. Gongloe to talk about forming a coalition ticket.

Like I suggested in 2017 and I say it again that Mr. Joseph Boakai needs to reach out to Mr. Gongloe in the spirit of our tradition and culture to talk about a coalition ticket. M

In the above story, Mr. Gongloe has made the case for why Mr. Boakai was sidelined by her boss Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her to have embraced and supported George Weah in the 2017 elections.

Because Mr. Boakai was not and is not corrupt and therefore he was shunned by President Sirleaf to succeed her in 2017. And true indeed, Mr. Weah has delivered on his promise to "protect Ellen and her family and friends" from prosecution for the massive level of corruption that plagued her entire administration..

It is therefore in Mr. Boakai's political interest to reach out to Mr. Gongloe for a partnership. Time (age) is not in Mr. Boakai's favor. 2023 is it for him.

You go into elections to WIN, period. History remembers winners and not second place holders. Mr. Gongloe has what it takes to deliver the presidency to Mr. Boakai . Look at his resume. Gongloe has no tinted record.

He comes from the second vote rich County of Nimba after Montserrado County.

Plus, Mr. Gongloe's mother is from the largest tribe (Kpelle) in Liberia which spans from Bong to Bassa to Nimba to Lofa to Margibi and Montserrado Counties. He is popularly known as the "Poor Man's Lawyer" for he represents people without asking for pay. He too was jailed by former President Taylor who was a war time partner of Madame Sirleaf.

Tiawon is popular with the labor force, students, market women and political prisoners even when the CDC was in opposition.

There must be a deal if Mr. Boakai wants to reach out to Mr. Gongloe. Because of our culture and tradition, Mr. Boakai must agree to one term if victorious because of his age, or say 5 years and let Mr. Gongloe finish his term on health or other reasons.

Mr. Gongloe then becomes the "attack dog" for Mr. Clean/ Boakai as evidenced in this story and since he announced his run for the presidency. This is a winning ticket that many of us outside of Liberia will be willing to push to our friends in the US government, trust me Because Uncle Sam wants a new leadership in Liberia and not just any new leadership. The sanctions and timing on President Weah's friends are not an isolation

Please Mr. Boakai, TSG, your "son" is your best choice and ticket to the presidency. Do not disappoint me this time like you did in 2017 when you picked Rep. Emmanuel Nuquay of Margibi County who failed to deliver his own county over my suggestion of Mr. Gongloe. Elections have consequences.

Jerry Wehtee Wion

[email protected]

Washington, DC, USA

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