Nigeria Is Like a Car Driven By Drink-Driver - Dino Melaye

30 September 2022

The spokesperson for Atiku Abubakar Presidential Campaign, Senator Dino Melaye, has said likened Nigeria to a car being driven by a drink driver, saying no part of the country is safe.

Dino Melaye stated this during an interview on Channels TV's Politics Today.

He said, "Atiku is a celebrated problem solver. What I am saying is that he has the competence and the capacity to solve the problems because he understands the problems. He knows this country in and out, having being vice president and a very celebrated one at that. And from the postulations he has made so far, there is no doubt that he is the most experienced to take us out of the ditch that the APC has dropped us.

"We are in an outrageous calamitous situation, where no part of our national life is working. Today there is no security not to talk of welfare. We are in a very precarious situation that Nigeria is extremely sick; it is like a car being driven by a drink driver. No part of this country is safe."

Melaye added that Atiku is not paying lip service to restructuring.

He stated, "I am telling you that he authored a book on restructuring when it was not safe for any northerner to speak about restructuring. Atiku boldly spoke about restructuring. So he is speaking from his heart.

"Whatever he said he stands by it. It is not going to be a matter of one or two years; it's something that is going to start immediately. He has the capacity to make sure that all his five agenda start from first day in office."

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