Kenya: President Ruto Says No Part of Kenya to Be Left Out on Development

William Samoei Ruto at his inauguration ceremony (file photo).
2 October 2022

Nairobi — President William Ruto has assured Kenyans that no part of the country will be left out in terms of development.

He said the Government in power was for all Kenyans irrespective of how they voted during the last General Election.

"I want to assure all Kenyans that this Government will serve them irrespective of how they voted during the last General Election," President Ruto said.

The head of state made the remarks in Homa Bay town after attending a prayer service held at the African Inland Church (AIC).

The President was accompanied by ICT Cabinet Secretary nominee Eliud Owalo, MPs Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu), David Ochieng (Ugenya), Mathias Robi (Kuria West) and Maisori Kiyatama (Kuria East).

Others were former Migori governor Okoth Obado, former Kisumu governor Jack Ranguma and former Kisumu Senator Fred Outa among other leaders.

The Head of State said time for political competition was over, noting that it was now time to work.

"I want to give you my assurance that as President, I will work with all elected leaders to serve all Kenyans. Time for political competition is now behind us and it's time to work," he said.

The President enumerated development plans the Government has for the Homa Bay County including improvement of sewerage and water system in town areas as well as improvement of roads among other projects in the county.

He said the Government will use Sh 2billion in the improvement of Homa Bay town sewerage and water system while another Sh 3billion will be used in the same development project in Kendu Bay, Sindo, West Karachuonyo and Rangwe towns.

The President, at the same time, said the Cabinet will meet on Monday (tomorrow) to consider approving the use of Biotech Cotton as part of efforts to transform the cotton industry.

"We are keen to transform the cotton industry to achieve the much industrialization needs of the country. That's why the Cabinet is meeting tomorrow to consider approving the use of Biotech Cotton ," he stated.

He also indicated that the Government will soon launch the construction of low cost housing system in Homa Bay County among other parts of the country as part of efforts to create more employment opportunities for the youth.

Ruto said the program on completion would have 5,000 affordable houses build in the county for the locals.

The President thanked the people of Nyanza and Kenyans in general for demonstrating high level of maturity during the last General Election.

"During the last General Election, the people of Nyanza and Kenyans in general demonstrated to the world that our democracy is indeed maturing after we voted peacefully and even remained peaceful after the elections," he said.

Ochieng assured the President that residents of Luo Nyanza in particular were ready to work with the Government in accelerating development in the region largely viewed as an Opposition zone.

"As leaders we will work with your Government in addressing challenges facing our people," said Mr Ochieng.

Owalo on his part thanked the President for nominating him as CS ICT, saying it was a great honour not only to him but Also to the people of Nyanza and Kenya in general.

Robi and Kiyatama said leaders in Nyanza would work closely with the Government to achieve the much needed development in the region.

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