Liberia: VP Jewel Howard-Taylor Concludes Four-County Tour Feeling Assured By Citizens of a Massive 2023 Victory for Pres. Weah

Monrovia — Ahead of the most talked about 2023 elections, Liberia's First Female Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor sat with FrontPageAfrica in a special interview to speak about her experiences during the first phase of her Countywide Tour.

Madam Howard-Taylor during her tour to Grand Gedeh, Nima, Bong and Margibi spoke to a cross-section of citizens ahead of the critical 2023 electoral process. During her active interaction and engagements in the four counties, she spoke of the gains made by the Weah-led government in areas of education, healthcare, infrastructure and Governance thus increasing output in all areas. She then spoke of the need to provide President Weah a second term in order to complete his plans for Liberia. She also took notes of remaining promises of funds for women to increase their businesses; additional funds for scholarships, funds for the feeding of patients in public health facilities, additional roads to connect county capitals and neighboring Countries; digital school networks, and funds for essential drugs for public facilities.

The Vice President expressed her gratitude for the generous outpouring of love and cordial engagements between herself and the citizens. She said her visit was a result of earlier commitments made to visit all the counties after the midterm to listen to the views of citizens and recommendations on how Government can continue to respond to the needs of our people.

The Liberian Vice President told the FrontPageAfrica that it was a blessing to have been given the opportunity to sit, listen, learn and give hope to our people that indeed our Government continues to work in the interest of our people.

She spoke of the reassurance given by citizens at each stop of the journey. In Grand Gedeh one of the elders told her - "VP don't mind the noise in Monrovia oh; we will not wear white gowns and put palm oil in our pockets, but please tell our President to let the people doing the road hurry up with it as they are too slow."

When asked about the pending convention of the National Patriotic Party (NPP), the Vice President and NPP's Standard Bearer said the Convention was slated for October 7, 2022. She lamented that this convention was delayed for over 2 years; and hoped that 638 delegates from across the Nation would converge in Monrovia to vote for new leadership.

When asked about the rumors that funds to have been paid by her as Standard Bearer had not been paid she indicated that the budget for said convention was about US$70,000.00; and that she was expected to pay about 80 percent. She thanked God that said amount has been paid, but divided into 2. Funds for administrative and executive costs were deposited into the party's account while funds to bring delegates to the convention were sent to the County Chairpersons in the 15 counties in order to ensure there were no delays and that they would get here on time. She expressed hope that this convention will be held in a cordial environment where the delegates would be able to get clarity on the issues which had kept the party in conflict since the ouster of former Chairman T. C. Gould till now. When asked who her choice of Chairman would be, she smiled and said let the Party decide; and whoever was chosen by the majority in a free and fair process would have her fullest support. Again saying the National Patriotic Party, after more than 2 years of inner wrangling, needed a new platform to build, expand our grassroots base across Liberia, and support President Weah in his second term -ONE ROUND BID IN 2023.

She was asked if her relationship with the President is better than it was a year ago? She replied: "Yes it is. And she remains grateful to have had an opportunity to work in this Government as VP; and will strive to continue to play the supporting role as Vice President."

When asked about the status of the Coalition document; she said that she was glad that the NPP had recently signed a reaffirmation document to continue to support the Coalition framework for 2023. And that all will be done to rally citizens to the ONE ROUND BID of the President and the Coalition.

When asked about the Challenges of Government; she admitted that in families there are challenges, but she said there are many positive things happening in infrastructural development, education, healthcare, commerce, and agriculture, and that our Government remains committed to doing more to improve the standard of living of our people and improve access to opportunities which help our citizens develop and build their dreams.

The VP, during this first term, continues to receive accolades for her work in Generational Equality and Youth Empowerment was awarded among the 100 most influential African women By Advanced Media. She has for the past 22 years also continued her gender development agenda as the Founder and Chief Patron of the Jewel Star Fish Foundation, providing education, mentoring and empowerment to almost 2000 girls' across the 15 political subdivisions of Liberia and making great impact; with her mantra that girls education is critical to the growth and development of the Liberian society.

The former First Lady, 2-term Senior Senator of Bong County, and first Female Vice President warned that Liberians should watch out for greedy and self-center politicians who are running around without any plans for Nation except their desires to be National Leaders. Madam VP Taylor said that by the grace of God the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) will be re-elected come 2023.

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