Liberia: "Jeety" Modernizes Clinic Worth Over U.S.$250,000 for Residents in Weala, Margibi Nearing Completion

Kakata — As part of its corporate social responsibility, the Jeety Rubber Liberia Limited Corporation has embarked on the construction of a modern clinic to provide adequate health care delivery to thousands of residents of Weala in Cinta Township, Margibi County.

It can be recalled that the Government of Liberia, through the 54th National Legislative sometimes ago ratified the Jeety Rubber LLC Investment Incentive Agreement.

The company, which is expected to commence full operations in the country very soon, is owned by renowned Indian business tycoon, Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva, who is commonly known as "Jeety" in Liberia.

Dr. Sachdeva, is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Jeety Trading Corporation-a premier importer and distributor in hardware and building materials- and scores of other businesses across the country.

The 25-bedroom health facility will accommodate more than 55 in-take patients in Weala. It is nearly 90% completed will commence full operations at the end of this year.

It will host an operation theatre, a modernized laboratory, x-ray room, ultra sound, eye treatment room, store room, pharmacy, emergency room, three doctor offices, among others.

Speaking in an interview with Reporters in Weala over the week end, Cinta Township Commissioner Roland B. Johnson disclosed that the facility, when completed will be the first of its kind in the area.

He added that citizens of the county previously doubted the establishment of the company when interest was expressed by the Indian businessman to invest in the area last year.

"Mr. Jeety told us that he wants to open a company here and it was so astonishing to us; we didn't really see it to come to light because there are lots of companies that came with the intent to establish but at the end of the day, they will not go forward. But we saw Mr. Jeety coming, clearing land and employing our people."

He emphasized that though the company is yet to commence full operations, over 200 sons and daughters hailing from the county have already been employed.

"Mr. Jeety told the local leaders and me that he came to build the economy in our area."

He heaped praises on the Indian business tycoon for also seeing the need to lease the homes of few residents in the township-a move which has economically sustained the owners and their respective families.

"Jeety took two houses from a lady here. Now, she has about five houses. For this clinic, this is the first of its kind to see a company coming to us. The company has not even started to get proceed from this place, but they have already started to help us."

Mr. Johnson noted that the establishment of the clinic will help alleviate the multiple constraints the locals are faced with in commuting from one county to another in search of better health services.

He stressed that over 20,000 residents of the township have been relying on the minimum health services being rendered to them by the WCC and Salala Rubber Corporation clinics respectively.

He said the harsh economic constraints and hardship cannot allow vast majority of the residents to seek medical attention at these facilities due to the fees being charged.

"As we all know the economic situation, the people need to survive too. But for this clinic that is being constructed by Mr. Jeety, he told me that he's doing this to help the citizens and provide health services to our people. We are very much happy to see this."

Huge transportation fares

Mr. Johnson disclosed that patients and their family members are most often constrained to spend huge money on transportation to seek treatment at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia.

He said the only referral hospital in Margibi, C. H. Rennie is down and as such, the establishment of a modern clinic by "Jeety" will bring a great relief to the citizens.

"Our people have to go faraway places or to JFK for treatment and so, it is a serious burden on the citizens. Mr. Jeety coming here to establish this clinic is solely a blessing for us and we will always remember him and appreciate the government for allowing him to move in this art of Liberia to help our citizens."

He maintained the move will also curtail the risks residents faced in travelling long distances for medical treatment.

Mr. Johnson further stressed the need for authorities of the Jeety Clinic to live up to the commitment and policy that would be set aside for its full operations.

He called on them to see reason to employ qualified and competent nurses and other medical workers at the clinic following its full completion.

"We want Mr. Jeety to bring qualified doctors who will be able to also train our people in this place. Weala is an emergency area and we are working to make sure Weala gets the rightful services that we all need so that our lives can be improved. We will continue to work with Mr. Jeety no matter what happens, not for our own benefits, but for the benefit of our people and to make sure that his investment is fruitful for him to continue to give back to the society."

Mr. Johnson, however, expressed the hope that the clinic will render services free of charge to citizens of the township.

Also speaking, one of the women leaders, Martha Sandwidi recalled that pregnant women are compelled to commute or trek long distances for ultrasound and other medical services outside of Weala.

She said the establishment of more medical facilities in the township will ease the multiple burdens of seeking medical care elsewhere, especially during the night hours.

"I want to tell the almighty God thank you for Jeety who have decided to provide better health services for our people. This clinic will save our lives a lot. Since Jeety decided to open this place, he told us that he will make it free for us he's showing his us love."

A plea for ambulance

She further used this medium to appeal to Mr. Sachdeva to also provide an ambulance service.

"I this district, there is no ambulance. When we have emergency cases during the nights, we go to our nearby brothers who have vehicles to help us, or we call SRC to bring their bus to give us lift to take that patient to the nearby clinic."

"There is no modern health facility for us here; it's just by the mercy of God we are all living. And with the services that Jeety Clinic will be offering, we thank God for that."

Madam Sandwidi expressed optimism that the facility will be a success story and would be utilized to its full potential as evidenced by numerous initiatives undertaken by Jeety over a short period of time though the company has not commenced operations.

"We are hopeful that our lives will be saved right here and we will not have to go to Kakata or Monrovia for treatment."

She, however, called on residents of Weala, especially women to remain patient-minded and rally around Jeety for the improvement of their wellbeing.

She added that helping hands should also be extended to authorities or workers at the clinic by the locals engaging into volunteerism to give the facility a facelift.

Boosting the economy

For his part, an eminent businessman in Weala, Mr. Cleophus Richards expressed confidence that the formation of the clinic and company by Jeety will help boost economic activities in Weala.

He said the ideally located clinic will serve as a referral facility for other health facilities that are not offering advance services in the area.

"Since Jeety started his company works here, economic activities have increased. Jeety employed most of the employees that were redundant by SRC. And that is a good thing. Now our brothers and sisters are working, they will be able to do more businesses or improve their businesses."

He maintained that the worth for money will be realized when the proposed Jeety Clinic commences full operations in Weala.

"From here to SRC clinic on motorbike is around L$200. You do not have car running in there. But if you have this clinic right here on the road which is walking distance, people will prefer coming here than to go way over there."

Mr. Richards further vowed to expand his business in the soonest possible time as a result of the investment being carried out in Weala by Jeety.

"This clinic will be very helpful to our people and I want to tell Jeety thank you because he continues to live up to his words. We also want him to try to fasten the project so our people can benefit because right now, most of our people cannot afford to go for treatment to the clinic or hospital."


Dr. M. Hablani, is the incoming head of the proposed Jeety Clinic. He previously worked at the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital and the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.

According to him, the facility, when completed will provide treatment for multiple illnesses and diseases patients, including women and children are battling.

He said critical or complicated cases will be transferred to referral hospitals outside of Margibi through the use of an ambulance service in a timely manner.

Dr. Hablani stated that "modernized treatments" will be accorded all patients seeking medical attention in a professional manner.

"For clinical and other problems, we will be able to do them right here. We will treat all patients but serious cases will not be handled here. We will have an ambulance here and our workers will be professional and qualified people coming from here."

Jeety Rubber agreement

According to the agreement signed with the government, Jeety Rubber LLC will construct, develop and operate a national rubber processing and production plant for the production of tyres and other natural rubber products. It includes long and short rubber goods.

The processing plant is also expected to produce hand gloves, rain boots, and rubber bands, among others.

The company will process approximately 25,000 tons of natural rubber per annum.

It compels Jeety Rubber LLC to consider the interest of local rubber traders and others during its purchasing of raw materials.


In the wake of the high level of unemployment rate in Liberia, the Jeety Rubber processing plant agreement ratified by the Liberian government will help many citizens to put food on the tables for themselves and their respective households.

More than 300 Liberians are expected to gain full employment with the company upon the commencement of its full operations.

Additional citizens will also be accorded job opportunities following the expansion of the company's operation.

Jeety Rubber LLC will also prioritize the purchasing of latex from small local rubber planters across the 15 counties in a bid to help expand the Liberian economy, which is experiencing turbulent times.

Already local rubber producers are finding it very difficult to grow, harvest, or market their products due to the lack of investment opportunities in the sector.

Citizens of the company's area of operations are the ones that will be given preference in terms of job provision.

Combating poverty

The new agreement ratified by the government of Liberia has the proclivity to also combat the high rate of poverty in Liberia.

It will alleviate sufferings among the citizenry through the provision of job opportunities and contributions to basic social services and empowerment opportunities in keeping with its corporate social responsibility.

Many believed that the establishment and commencement of full operations by Jeety Rubber LLC in Liberia will now compel other foreign and local rubber production companies operating in the country to muster the courage to ensure the construction of companies to process the unfinished materials to finished goods.

When this is done, it would immensely contribute to combating security threats in Liberia as a result of the influx of vulnerable youths who continue to roam across the country due to the lack of job opportunities.

Some young people in Liberia are engaged in unwholesome practices in the nation due to the lack of foreign direct investment opportunities to guarantee their employment and in turn, contribute towards addressing the immediate needs of them and their respective family members.

With the latest agreement signed and ratified between the Liberian government and Jeety Rubber LLC, a win-win situation for all is certain in the wake of numerous challenges confronting Liberia and its citizens.

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