Liberia: Linda Glover Graduates 24 Following Incredible WASSCE Performance

Gbarnga — Following their massive performance in the just-ended West African Senior School Certificate Exams (WASSCE), the administration of the Linda Glover Christian Foundation High School in Saye Town, Margibi County has graduated 24 twelve graders.

The school registered a total of twenty-five candidates for exams, with all twenty-five scoring passing marks, but one result was withheld by WAEC due to the candidate's failure to send in a photo.

The Linda Glover Christian Foundation is a dream of Christian families of the Churches of Christ in Liberia and America for the purpose of meeting the educational needs of underprivileged children.

The school originated in the township of West Point in Monrovia, Liberia by a team of Liberians sponsored by pastor John Glover and wife Linda Glover of the USA whose name the school bears.

Since its establishment, Linda Glover Christian Foundation has served as a conduit of hope for hundreds of destitute children through the teaching of life pursuing excellence and integrity.

The graduation ceremony which was held at the school's main campus over the weekend marks the second commencement convocation of the Christian institution.

Briefly remarking on the occasion, the Principal and Administrator of the school, Mr. Otis Nyemah on behalf of the board, congratulated the graduates for successfully completing their prescribed courses of studies at "one of the best high schools in the country."

Mr. Nyemah informed the graduates that they were graduating at the time Liberia was in need of positive change makers and encouraged them to apply every material acquired from the classroom.

The Linda Glover Christian Foundation Principal also admonished the graduating students to do away with the spirit of complacency and front for higher education as they walk through the walls of the institution.

"As you celebrate this milestone achievement today, I encourage you to serve as a solution to societal vices and not a problem, live out what you have taken in, do not expect change, work harder to introduce change, and do not be conformers but transformers", he said.

"Your graduation from high school today doesn't in any way mean that you have arrived, it is just a huge step towards your future goals. As you step out today, go all out in search of opportunities to further your education at the highest level possible because the world is advancing and competitions keep growing every day", Mr. Nyemah furthered.

In his valedictory address, student Allanso Kollie thanked the administration and support staff for solidly preparing them for the challenges ahead.

Valedictorian Kollie said their graduation was a milestone achievement to be celebrated but cautioned fellow graduates that such a celebration should come with a mindset that more needs to be done.

He noted that the diploma received was just a reward for the twelve-plus years of hard studies and should not be seen as the end of the journey.

"What we are witnessing today is just the beginning of our journey to a productive future, let us not be complacent, let us not think that we have arrived, we've got tens of stairs to climb", he said.

"Many times I hear people say the sky is your limit, fellow graduates, this quotation should in no way be applicable in our case, let us fly even possibly beyond the sky", Allanso continued.

Valedictorian Kollie at the same assured the administration of Linda Glover Christian Foundation that this second badge will do everything humanly possible to maintain the good image of the school in the outside world.

The ceremony was graced by parents, sponsors, and religious leaders.

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