Liberia: Wounded TipMe Liberia Agents Alarm Abandonment

Two field agents of TipMe Liberia, a mobile electronic payment service provider have claimed abandonment by the company after they were electrocuted, while providing services, leaving one of them amputated.

Artemus Mambus, now handicapped after the casualty and David Nenger, two of the three TipMe Liberia field agents that got electrocuted while carrying out operations for the Digital Mobile Banking payment service provider, are beginning to feel abandonment nearly five months after the incident that left them paralyzed.

On May 13, 2022, the trio and other field agents were tasked to carry out advertisements for a two-week marketing promotion about the launch of BnB Mobile Cash App, a new digital banking service that TipMe launched, early in February to improve remittance when the incident occurred.

While carrying out installation of the BnB Mobile Cash App Billboard in Police Academy, Paynesville, they were accidentally electrocuted when the TipMe Liberia Billboard mistakenly hit a high-tensioned wire of the Liberia Electricity Corporation, leaving Frederick Ferjay Freeman dead instantly, as a result of shocks.

But David Nenger and Artemus Mambus have been hospitalized since. Artemus lost his both legs and an arm amputated.

Frederick Ferjay Freeman, who succumbed to death, as a result of the high-voltage, was subsequently buried few days later, with his memorial service funded by TipMe Liberia, while survivors David Nenger and Artemus Mambus were hospitalized and closely monitored by the company, including payment of their medical bills at the John F. Kennedy Medical Hospital.

However, five months later, they are no longer hailing the company for taking care of them; rather, they now feel abandoned with no further insurance.

Speaking from their hospital beds on Sunday, October 2, 2022, the two victims lamented that TipMe Liberia is no longer keeping its promises to take care of them.

They said TipMe Liberia has left them alone in the hospital, struggling with feedings and well-being.

"They've left us here since July of this year, no one has ever visited us at the hospital; only our family members, who now take responsibility for feedings and well-being. No official of TipMe has ever visited the hospital since that time. The last time you came here was in June and everything was going on fine. Our regular feedings and allowance of $100USD every month, but they have stopped completely", said Artemus Mambus, who is now left with one leg and an arm as a result of the incident.

He further explained that at the time of the incident, TipMe Liberia had promised them to ensure they go for further medication abroad and get permanent employment with the company afterward.

"TipMe Liberia said they were going to make sure I leave the country for advanced treatment abroad and also to further up my education and come back, and work with the company; I shouldn't worry; they will be there for me, but all now seems to be going the contrary, which is sad for me, Mambus said in tears.

"When we got electrocuted, everything started fine; they were regularly paying attention to us; apart from our medical bills, we were getting other incentives. But now everything has changed. They're talking different thing, that after our discharge and subsequent recovery before they are going to meet with our families and settle us, which is not what was said at the very beginning", David added.

According to investigation, both victims had a one-year renewable contract with the company to carry out marketing promotion advertisements.

In an effort to contact the company about the alleged abandonment, General Sales Manager TipMe Liberia, Reindorf Cletus Haligah's phone rang tirelessly without response up to press time.

But at the time of the casualty, management had earlier rendered apologies to families of the victims and promised to remain strongly supportive to the victimized and ensure that they get all necessary benefits and better lives in their challenging conditions.

"We are saddened about the incident and also harmed as a company, to witness our member, who is also a part of our family here to die and get hurts this way," said Ms. Laureine Guilao, Chief Executive officer (CEO) TipMe Liberia, at the time of the incident.

Ms. Guilao also promised the institution's full support for the victims, including necessary funding for their recovery.

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