Liberia: Cummings' Political 'Death Squad'?

... .As Ellen Unleashes Political Confidants

As the 2023 general and presidential elections draw near, it appears that the Alternative National Congress political leader Alexander B. Cummings has unleashed what many of his supporters call the political "death squad".

Cummings' political 'death squad' comprised mostly of individuals of former Ellen Johnson's administration who were in the former ruling Unity Party to be back in business.

Those of Ellen's political Army who are now back in Business were politically orphans who were in search of political homes for refuge.

Cummings officially announced the political 'death squad' as the 2023 campaign team he disclosed that president George Weah has failed to address those concerns that are affecting the Liberian People thus depriving them of leadership for nearly six years.

Speaking at the ceremony Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at the CPP headquarters, Mr. Cummings said it was time to defeat president Weah at the polls in 2023.

Those named are Julia Duncan Cassell, former Gender Children and Social Protection minister during Sirleaf's administration, George Wisner former Director of the National Investment Commission, Daniel Chea former Defense Minister, during the regime of former president, Charles Taylor and one time close friend to ex-president Sirleaf.

Other - members of Cummings' 2023 Campaign Team are Dr. Togar Gayewea McIntosh, former Foreign minister for madam Sirleaf. Amb. Lewis Garseedah Brown, former Information minister during the same administration.

The CPP Boss said "We wish to use the opportunity of this occasion to also reassure all Liberians that we will work with everyone for real change beyond tribes, religion, gender, and political parties. Truly, Liberia deserves better. Liberians deserve better". But he failed to elaborate how such changes will be effected.

For his part, former information Lewis G. Brown stated that the Country under the leadership of President George Weah was returning to a failed state , and is time that all Liberians join ranks in supporting the Presidential bid of Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings for the presidency.

Ex-minister Brown said that the CDC-led government is no longer in charge of the leadership of this Country.

"There are rumors all over the Country that Mr. Cummings does not have any Government Knowledge and as such the Liberian people should not vote for him, but I can tell you here today that this is the person that is well placed and ready to lead the Country comes 2023."

He added: "Let me tell you all here today that we will sweep the entire political division of Liberia comes 2023 so let it be clear to all of those who are taking us for a joke."

He however did not rule out any firm challenge from the CDC.

"Pro-government supporters always say Cummings came fifth place with 7% of the votes out of more than 15 presidential candidates despite him getting in the race 18 months to the 2017 elections, but this time around they are going to see the CPP win with 70% of the total votes come 2023."

"We do not just go to win but to make a massive change under the Alexander Cummings administration, especially tackling the issue of the rule of law and human rights."

"Cummings is a good man. He is a good man who doesn't take gossip from anyone, and this makes him a good leader, especially is the level of experience from the Coco Cola He will make a big change".

"I can assure the Liberian people and the standard bearer of the CPP, Hon. Alexander Cummings that hope is alive, and the peace of Liberia will be protected no matter the challenges and temptation."

The full list :

Togar Gayewea McIntosh

Lewis Garseedah Brown

George Gyude Wisner

H. Dan Morias

Jonathan Boye Charles Sogbie

Madam Julia Duncan-Cassell

Madam Mariama D. Sangare

Daniel Chea

Roland Siddiq Kamara

Lafayette Gould

Larry Nyanquoi

Yekeh Kolubah

Emmanuel Yartoe

Aloysius Toe

Martin Saye Kollah

Madam Nicky Jah

William Moyes

Ma Kula Morris

Othelo Krayee

David Benito

Peter Nuyan

Chernor Jalloh

David Bajibo

Madam Queenyah Thomas Saturday

Elder Rufus Saydee

Robell Gbeintor

Elder Jallah

Madam Carmena Abdallah

Ma Musu Sanoe

Chris Dossen

Josiah Kennedy

Rodney Wilson

Madam Wadei Powell

Momo Sambola

Lawrence Sua

Onesimus James

Madama Louise Duarto

Madela Geeplay

Madam Aumuo Ebanks

Madam Vivian Sendolo Norman

Madam Kebbeh Collins

Samuel Dean

Victor Saye

Jethro SK Harris


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