Liberia: 'We Are Suffering'

-Liberians Tell President Weah

Several Liberians have registered their frustration over the way through which the Coalition for Democratic Change-led Government is proceeding with the country under the leadership of President George M. Weah.

Speaking in a phone call on a cross-section of local media talk shows in Paynesville and that of Monrovia, those irritated Liberians including others across the country are unable to obtain a beg of rice due to its shortage on the market.

According to them, countless Liberians are going to bed with starvation only because of the government's inability to address the issue of the lack of the country's staple.

They indicated that the government is not providing the rightful information to the citizens.

Some of the callers urged the government to do away with politics and focus on the constraint that the majority of the citizens experiencing.

Those Liberians indicated that it was vital for President George Weah to speak to the nation on the progress the government is making in finding a remedy to the situation.

They told the media that Liberians want the government to be proactive in addressing this critical issue that is affecting the nation.

Some of the callers recounted that President Weah was misled by his officials when he returns from the United Nations General Assembly that rice was in the country and made him to answer a question from reporters that it was street talk.

They noted that if the President had been fully aware of the situation on ground while he was away, such assertion from him was not going to be said, describing his statement as provoking to the citizens who are going to bed with hunger.

Some callers called on president Weah to dismiss those who are reasonable for the condition that Liberians are undergoing.

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