Liberia: Minister Kruah Pleads Liberia ICT Case in Romania

With the growing waves of Information Communications Technologies (ICT) in developing countries, the Minister of Posts & Telecommunications, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah Sr. has pleaded strongly at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU's) Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) in Bucharest, Romania building a strong case for possible ICT expansion in Liberia.

The Plenipotentiary Conference accordingly is the highest policy-making body of the ITU. It is held every four years and is the key event at which ITU Member States decide on the future role of the organization, thereby determining the organization's ability to influence and affect the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) worldwide.

In Minister Kruah's public statement to the ITU's member's state, he indicated that, "Liberia's ICT sector is playing a critical role in accelerating the transformation of our country's economic stature from one of poverty into a middle-income nation. The Government has been focused on the implementation outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society at national level, at the same time working towards and achieving all internationally agreed Development Goals including Vision 2030"

The Minister further pointed out that, Liberia has also recognized the ICT sector as an enabler of social and economic development, thereby prompting the need to update the 2010 policy to make it relevant to the current exigencies of the State, and in support of the ICT objectives of the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) 2018-2023. In this respect, the 2019-2024 ICT Policy was adopted by the cabinet to update the 2010 policy which draws on emerging trends in the ICT sector".

Kruah told his colleagues that, the rise of convergence technology, digital broadcasting, E-services, new technologies and provision of universal access is relevant to boost social inclusion. "Additionally, the Government of Liberia being cognizant of the need to provide the necessary ICT infrastructure has made investments in ensuring last mile connectivity. The connection to the Africa Coast to Europe submarine optical fiber cable for broadband connectivity is evidence" he pleaded.

Also at the ITU's Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) in Bucharest, Romania, Member States of the ITU have elected Mrs. Doreen Bogdan-Martin of the United States of America as the organization's next Secretary-General.

Liberia with a voting right is believed to be in the second historical election of the ITU making the United States candidate. Mrs. Doreen Bogdan-Martin to be the first female elected Secretary General since the organization was established in 1865 and became a United Nations specialize agency in 1947 with a vote of 139 out of 172 votes casted.

It can be recalled on November 1, 2018; Mrs. Doreen Bogdan-Martin was elected Director of the Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT) at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference held in Dubai making a first historical move to be the first female elected in said position.

According to report, prior to the election at the time, the US Government on September 19, 2018 sent a delegation at the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications to pay a courtesy visit, the delegation was headed by the US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission, Alyson Grunder accompanied by Rick Merrin, the US Economic officer at the Embassy.

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