Ghana: Stella Gyimah Larbi Adjudged National Best Teacher 2022

Tamale — Madam Stella Gyimah Larbi, a 34-year- old teacher of Adenta Community School in Adenta Municipality of the Greater Accra Region, was yesterday adjudged the 2022 National Best Teacher.

She took home GHC300,000 for a three-bedroom apartment.

Madam Fati Issifu of Buipe Girls Model School in the Central Gonja District of the Savannah Region was adjudged the first runner-up and took home a brand new pick up, whilst Mr David Harrison Mensah of Sefwi Benkwai SDA went home with a saloon car as second runner up.

Addressing the gathering, Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia said Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo's government acknowledged the values of education to human development and nation building.

He said the massive investments in education system in the country included the teachers of this country.

He added that, the massive investments in education would come to nothing if teachers could not rise to the occasion and respond positively to the great vision of transforming the nation through education

The theme for this year's World Teachers Day was "The transformation of education begins with teachers."

The Vice President speaking on theme said, this was in line with the government's education transformation agenda, adding that no nation in the world had developed without a conscious investment in their education system and teachers.

Dr Bawumia said the transformational agenda of the government hinged on the training of the people to be creative, innovative, critical thinking and technologically astute to lead the forward match of the fourth industrial revolution.

He said the government had introduced the standard base curriculum that focused on the 'Rs' to lead the 21st century skills of critical thinking, innovation, collaboration, communication and problem solving.

The Vice President said the government was convinced that, the education transformation agenda could only be successful if no person of school-going age was not left behind.

"We cannot afford to allow cost to deny any Ghanaian child the right to education," Dr Bawumia added.

Dr Bawumia said steps had been taken to make technical vocational education and training (TVET) more attractive to students with emphasis on skills development.

He said they had strategically created the Ghana TVET Service to focus on skills training and development, and government had equipped a lot of the TVET institutions with the state-of-the- art equipment to provide skills learning to the youth of this country.

He stated that with the construction of 32 TVET institutions, coupled with the introduction of Free TVET, it would go a long way to create more jobs for the youth when completed

The Vice President added that, as part of the education transformation agenda of the government, they were targeting tertiary enrollment ratio of 40% by the year 2030.

He said the current enrollment ratio was not enough to propel the nation towards industrialised development.

Dr Bawumia said, the government was therefore investing heavily in tertiary institutions to absorb the number graduating from the TVET and the Senior High schools.

He, therefore, called on teachers to remain committed to their work as the government was working tirelessly to transform the education sector of this country.

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) earlier assisted fifty needy students in the hinterland as part of the celebration.

The items the students received were, school uniforms, school bags, canvases and socks

The beneficiary schools included, Mankarigu DA KG and Primary School in the North Gonja District and Luulugu DA KG and Primary School in the Gusheigu and Karaga Districts

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