Nigeria: Kanu Writes President Muhammadu Buhar, Seeks Political Solution to His Trial

6 October 2022

Leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has told President Muhammadu Buhari to release him and drop all charges preferred against him.

Kanu has been in custody since June 2021 after he was renditioned by the Nigerian government from Kenya in June 2021, an action his lawyers termed as "illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional extradition."

He has been standing trial on charges bordering on treasonable felony and terrorism before the Federal High Court, Abuja.

Kanu in a letter signed through his lawyer, Mike Ozekhome (SAN), asked President Buhari to release him through a more productive "political solution."

According to the IPOB leader, his release will halt the "present restlessness and sits-at-home" mantra currently ravaging the South East and paralysing business and normal life.

He told the president to obey the judgement of the United Nations Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Commission.

The UN Working Group had called on the Nigerian government to immediately and unconditionally release Kanu.

In a document, the body also blamed the Nigerian and Kenyan governments for Kanu's abduction and rendition.

The letter to the president reads, "We are solicitors to Nwannekaenyi Nnamdi Olewu Kanu ("Nnamdi Kanu": "our client": "Kanu"), on whose clear instructions we write this urgent petition to your good self. The petition is to humbly urge you to order the immediate release of Nnamdi Kanu through a more productive "political solution".

"You can do this by instructing the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation to wield his powers under section 174 of the 1999 Constitution to enter a "nolle prosequi". This will immediately halt the present restlessness and sits-at-home mantra currently ravaging the South East and paralysing business and normal life.

"We make this executive summary because you are about to read a very lengthy letter consisting of an admixture of law (municipal and international), ethics, morality, and your well-documented promises that led to your two-time election as president of this great country. We also do this executive summary being acutely aware of your very busy schedule as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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