Nigeria: Borno to Commence Payment of Promotion Arrears to Civil Servants

6 October 2022

Borno State Government is to commence payment of the backlog of promotion arrears of civil servants by the end of January 2023.

This was disclosed yesterday by Governor Babagana Zulum at the swearing-in ceremony of the Chairman and members of the reconstituted Borno state civil service commission at the Government House Maiduguri.

Vanguard observed that the backlog which started in July 2016 during the commencement of Bio-Metric Data of Civil Servants, was inherited by the present administration.

However, to ensure justice, Governor Zulum said, his administration will leave no stone unturned to settle all outstanding payment of Promotion benefits.

First to be sworn in by the state chief Judge, Justice Kashim Zannah at a ceremony presided over by Governor Babagana Umara was the reappointed chairman of the CSC, Dr Bulama Mali Gubio followed by the four Commissioners comprising commissioner I, Barrister Yakubu Bukar and Commissioner II, Zarami Dungus.

Others include; Commissioner III, Bulama Fugu and Justus Zare as Commissioner IV .

Governor Babagana Umara who congratulated the appointees expressed confidence in the Chairman and Commissioners of the reconstituted CSC whom he described as people of proven integrity and unquestionable character, capable of repositioning the state service.

"The Civil Service is the pillar of all sectors of the economy which a responsible government depends upon to carry out its policies and programmes effectively.

" I can't succeed without having a vibrant and competent civil servants who are patriotic and dedicated.

"Whether we like it or not, there are some people in the civil service who have been promoted without recourse to due process. How can a civil servant with a Diploma be promoted to the rank of a Director, How?" Zulum queried.

He maintained that civil service is the pillar upon which all developmental efforts of government depend, hence government will not allow the system to suffer.

"The major policy thrust of this administration is the full recovery and reconstruction which depend on the institutional capability of the public service and professional competency of the workforce, hence the training and retraining of the workforce," Zulum said.

The Governor added that In the quest to reposition and reinvigorate the civil service in line with recovery efforts through the 25- year development framework and 10- year strategic initiative, the state government would initiate complete computerization of the commission's record-keeping and retrieval system to enhance the function of the commission.

He stressed the need to reposition the civil service and further directed the compilation of a comprehensive nominal roll of the civil servants in the state and also ordered for compilation of vacancies in all Ministries, Departments and Agencies, MDAs preparatory to conduct of promotion examinations for eligible personnel to be held before the end of this year.

Head of Service, Barrister Simon Malgwi said the CSC and appointment of personnel to serve in the commission are a constitutional requirements, hence the swearing-in of the chairman and the four commissioners.

Chairman of the CSC, Dr Bulama Mali Gubio expressed appreciation to the state government for finding them worthy for the task and pledged to live up to expectations, even as he further called on the civil servants to follow due process in their dealings with the commission, assuring that they are in safe hands.

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