Ghana: MoGCSP Condemns Alleged Assault of a Toddler

7 October 2022

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) has condemned the alleged molestation and manhandling of a toddler by an unidentified man in a video circulating on social media.

A press release issued by the MoGCSP said the 1 minute, 19 seconds video showed a man severely molesting and beating a toddler under a tree.

The statement strongly condemned the cruel, inhumane and barbaric act meted out to the child.

It stated that the act is against the Children's Act 1998 as well as the Criminal code of Ghana.

The Act explicitly states that a person shall not subject a child to torture or any other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment including a cultural practice which dehumanizes or is injurious to the physical and mental well-being of a child.

It said this is a clear violation of the law which is punishable.

"We commend the Ghana Police Service and Child Rights International (CRI) for launching a manhunt for the suspect in the matter and also staking a reward claim to any individual who will be able to provide information that leads to the arrest of the individual and rescue the child," it added.

The Ministry appealed to the general public to support the Police with any information that would lead to the arrest of the man.

The statement urged the public to be vigilant and continue to report individuals who engage in such unlawful acts.

Parents and Guardians are advised to correct their children with love and care when they make mistakes but not in a violent manner.

The statement called on the General Public to reach the Ministry's Helpline of Hope Call Centre on its toll-free number 0800-800-800 or 0800-900-900 for complaints and enquiries. Also, issues of sexual and gender-based violence can be reported to the Domestic Violence Call Centre via the toll-free number 0800-111-222.

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