Liberia: Government Recommits to TVET Program

The Minister of Education D. Ansu Sonii reassures government's commitment to promoting and investing in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) in Liberia.

Minister Sonii says government seeks to make Liberia a hub for TVET excellence on the continent.

He continues that this is evidenced by a high level of interest being shown by young Liberians to own residential and other properties constructed by the sector

He is optimistic that the country's skilled manpower base could be more robust than now, once it gets needed support from stakeholders, including government, development partners, students, and other TVET beneficiaries.

The Education boss notes that interest being shown by young Liberians to learn vocational and technical skills is a reason why government prioritizes empowering its youthful population.

He made the observation this week at his office while receiving Qualification Package, and Curriculum for Electrical, Solar Installations & Plumbing and Pipefitting from the Board of Directors from Gateway Vocational Training Center (GVTC) in Bentol City, Montserrado county.

The Minister hails the European Union, and the German Government through its overseas program (GIZ) for tremendous efforts in supporting Liberia's TVET program, aimed at providing training and empowerment opportunities for disadvantaged youths and other young people.

"The government is retooling the entire educational sector, making TVET a central pillar, starting from the basic schools. Technical institutions at the second cycle level are having facelifts and the whole of TVETs are being transformed," he adds.

Earlier, Presenting the package to Minister Sonii, a member of the Board of Gateway Vocational Training Center, Madam Jocelia Jaywloh Taplah, said the curriculum will serve as regulator and guidance for training programs at the Center.

She explained that the curriculum drafted by multi-stakeholders in the TVET sector is designed to provide students with international standardized modules of training that will put Liberians on par with other skilled professionals the world over.

The curriculum drafted by the GIZ in partnership with the GVTC and Integration International Management Consultants focuses on three key levels for skills training at the Center, which is under construction in Bentol.

The ceremony was also attended by GIZ Project Director, Johann Lieberich and Madam Kim Turay, a member of the GVTC Board.

The board comprises the Association of Liberian Construction Contractors (ALCC), Engineering Society of Liberia (ESOL) and the Liberian Institute of Architects (LIA).

The GVTC) Board of Directors was inducted on February 8, 2022, to oversee construction and running of the TVET in Liberia.

GVTC is a US$10 million project funded by the EU and the German Government to support Liberia's TVET program.

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