Liberia: Rural Women Hail Cummings

Hundreds of rural women, on Wednesday, October 5, held an acquaintance meeting and interactions with the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) Mr. Alexander B. Cummings in Forzonh Town, Margibi County.

The women, predominantly market women are one of the four branches of the Successful Women Organization of Liberia (SWOL), spread out in Montserrado, Margibi, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties.

The women's spokesperson Madam Rebecca Johnson lamented the huge challenges facing rural women including lack of health care, market Hall, school, deplorable roads, and the harsh economic situation, they have to endure for survival.

Forzohn Town linked six villages, with an estimated population of 2,000 eligible voters, most of whom are engaged in farming and burning coal to earn a living and support their families.

The women, spoke of years of neglect by the Liberian Government and pleaded with the CPP Standard Bearer for help, as they join and mobilize support for his Presidential bid in the 2023 general and presidential elections next October.

Responding, CPP Standard Bearer, Mr. Cummings expressed gratitude to the women for the invitation extended him to meet and interact with the Forzonh Town, Margibi County branch of the Successful Women Organization of Liberia.

Referring to women of Liberia, as the foundation and backbone of the nation, Mr. Cummings said women deserved access to the basic essential social services including good health care service, good schools for their children as well as access to opportunities, that will help them live better and healthier

He assured women of Liberia, that a CPP Government will guarantee women access to opportunities, accord them equal rights and privileges, as well as protection against rape and gender-based violence.

The Collaborating Political Parties is a conglomeration of the Alternative National Congress, the Liberty Party, Political leaders, and breakaway partisans of several other political parties including the Unity Party, the All-Liberian Party, the National Patriotic Party and the People's Liberation Party joining ranks to make Mr. George Weah one term President.

President Weah's five years administration is adjudged to be increasingly becoming unbearable, due to lack of leadership, massive corruption, and extreme suffering and poverty.

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