Nigeria: 2023 Budget - Govt to Expend 4.310 B On Purchase of Trains

10 October 2022

... HoS to spend N250m on purchase of vehicles

The Federal Government has proposed to spend a total of N4.3 billion its N20.51 trillion budget on the purchase of trains, in its efforts towards expanding the railway services across the country.

This is according to the budget details of the N20. 452 billion Nigerian Railway Corporation budget as contained in the 2023 federal government budget submitted to the National Assembly last week.

The figure which is part of the federal government's executive proposal in the 2023 Appropriation Bill also earmarked N126.532 billion for the parent Ministry of Transportation.

A breakdown of the figure indicated that the Ministry of Transportation headquarters got the sum of N93.661 billion, while National Inland Waterways Authority, NIWA, was allocated 5.397 billion.

Others are Maritime Academy, Oron, which got N1.550 billion; Council for the Regulation Freight Forwarding in Nigeria had over N775 million.

The breakdown of the budget showed that N85. 228 billion was earmarked for construction/provision of railways while N15 million was allocated for construction/provision of waterways.

The ministry would spend most of its capital budget on ongoing projects some of which include: activities of Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) in the ministry and its agencies and entrenching transparency, compliance, ethics, achieving zero tolerance for corruption in the workplace, development of code of conduct, project monitoring for which it is proposing N30 million.

The federal government also proposed N30. 759 billion for completion of Abuja-Kaduna; completion of Lagos-Ibadan and its associated additional works; rehabilitation of Itakpe-Ajaokuta rail line and construction of 12 NOS station buildings and tracks laying works at railway ancillary facilities area Agbor, among others.

The construction of identification and installation of 30km speed reduction on road signage in high risk areas (quarterly), was allotted N18 million, while appropriation of 10bn is for railway modernization.

N1.212 billion was also earmarked for construction of office accommodation for the ministry.

Meanwhile the sum of N250 million has been earmarked procurement of official and monitoring vehicles for the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, OHCSF.

While the item has as its code, "ERGP7113688", another item with code number "ERGP16195454" will see the ministry expending N60 million on establishment of an innovation hub in the civil service.

The purchase of office equipment would gulp N116.449 million, while institutionalization of the performance management system will take N80 million. The HoS will also expend about N50 million on purchase of air conditioners.

The Federal Government in the 2023 budget allocated a total of 12.698 billion of its N20.51 trillion budget to the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation.

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