Liberia: EFFL Rallies Support Against Pres. Weah's Re-Election

Monrovia — Ahead of the 2023 General and presidential elections, the Commander-in-Chief of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia, Emmanuel Gonquoi says those who will support the second term bid of Pres. Weah will be considered a murderers of the state.

The EFFL CIC made the statement on Monday in a press statement on the denial of their institution to be granted a certificate as a full political party by the National Elections Commission (NEC).

EFFL CIC Gonquoi said: "Anyone who will support George Weah Presidential Bid in 2023 can be equated to a murderer.'

"To our friends in the opposition, we ask for unity in defeating George Weah because the only legacy we will boast of after 2023 is seeing George Weah as a former president -and not just as a former president, but a former president going to jail for looting our nation along with his gang of corrupt vampires to build mansions overnight and support their reckless and flamboyant lifestyles," Gonquoi said.

Gongque accused the Weah Government of being the mastermind behind the NEC's refusal to certify his organization to operate as a political party.

"We are broken because a misfit and a bad product of democracy called President George Weah and his miscreants of officials, who have zero democratic credentials are unimaginably engaged into every unconventional ventures to injure our political future by infringing on our inalienable rights through their cunning refusal to grant the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia its constitutional right to get registered as a full-fledged political party in Liberia," he said.

He apologized to the public for the organization's silence over important who major national issues; adding it was due to their resolve to focus on the registration process of the EFFL as a political party.

He said the process has unfortunately been stalled by some unpatriotic men and women sitting in very sensitive government positions including the NEC.

"We want to make it publicly known that our strategy to have slowed down political pressure and pursue the registration of our movement as a political party has unfortunately not paid off. We were of the thinking that this would have helped in our pursuit of legally transitioning from just being a pressure group to a legitimate political party.

"But it's now clear to us that the Government led by this soccer dolt is intentionally and nefariously so too, interfering with our registration process at NEC and preventing the national electoral body from granting us a certificate of registration as a political party, even though our nationality as Liberians, is undisputed, and therefore, owning and/or registering a political party is our constitutional entitlement,' Gonquoi added.

He called on the International Community, especially the United States of America to intervene in pressuring Weah to grant the EFFL permit to operate as a full fledge political party.

"Finally, we want to inform all concerned within the international community including Liberia's traditional partner, the people and Government of the United States of America; our country's foreign friends and African brothers and sisters including continental bodies and the United Nations; that George Weah must be made to see reason to discontinue his unconstitutional and undemocratic maneuverings aimed at denying the democratic process of the certification of the EFFL and Going forward, our legal team will engage the NEC regarding our certification," he added.

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